• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 25

    22-07-18 The oddest of Philips masters was his teacher of French. Monsieur Ducroz was a citizen of Geneva. He was a tall old man, with a sallow skin and hollow cheeks; his gray hair was thin and long. He wore shabby black clothes, with holes at the elbows of...

  • 孟晚舟顺利回国

    21-09-26 9月25日晚,在党和人民亲切关怀和坚定支持下,孟晚舟在结束被加拿大方面近3年的非法拘押后,乘坐中国政府包机(a charter flight organized by the Chinese government)抵达深圳宝安国际机场,顺利回到祖国。 21时50分许,飞机稳稳降落,机场灯火通明,机身上的五星红...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 28

    21-01-18 第五节 认定财产无主案件 Section 5 Cases Concerning the Determination of a Property as Ownerless 第一百七十四条 申请认定财产无主,由公民、法人或者其他组织向财产所在地基层人民法院提出。 Article 174 An application for determining a property as ownerles...

  • peoplerazzi 吃瓜群众狗仔队

    17-06-16 Peoplerazzi refers to people who take pictures of celebrities in situations that are newsworthy or shocking, particularly to post those pictures online. 吃瓜群众狗仔队指的是把有价值的或者让人吃惊的明星照片拍摄下来的人们,尤其是他们还要把这些照片发到...

  • 身份证欺诈者将被列入黑名单

    16-08-11 Those who illegally use others identity cards will be punished and blacklisted, according to a new regulation. 根据一项新规定,非法使用他人的身份证将受到惩罚并加入黑名单。 The regulation, aimed at strengthening the protection of citizens private inf...

  • 公众对科学的贡献越来越普遍

    16-01-20 So-called citizen science has become a significant force in several scholarly disciplines. The phenomenon can be found in both the natural and the social sciences, according to the largest systematic analysis to date on the topic, the results of whi...

  • citizen journalism 公民新闻

    12-02-23 The words tweeted by a passenger on high-speed train D301 on July 23 were clearly a cry for help. But they also initiated a wave of unprecedented citizen journalism on China's Twitter-like micro blogs。 7月23日D301动车上的一名乘客发布的微博无疑是呼...

  • 朝鲜证实拘捕美国公民一事

    11-04-14 North Korea has confirmed that it has arrested a US citizen, and is preparing to charge him with committing a crime against the country. 朝鲜政府证实已经逮捕一位美国公民,并将以其在朝鲜犯下罪行的罪名起诉他。 Jun Young Su was arrested in November las...

  • 美国利率将保持稳定

    09-11-12 China is running a number of unlawful detention centres in which its citizens can be kept for months, according to Human Rights Watch. 人权观察组织称,中国境内存在一定数量的非法拘留点,市民可能在这里被囚禁长达数月之久。 Former inmates claim they wer...
