• 爱的英文表达

    15-06-08 母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mother's love for her children; maternal affection 父爱 paternal love 父母的爱 parental love 父母子女间的爱 love between parent and child 子女对长辈的爱 filial love 互爱 reciprocal affection 慈爱 the benevolent aff...

  • 人生不同年龄段的说法

    15-06-08 infant/baby 婴幼儿 (刚出生、1岁以内的孩子) infancy 婴幼儿期 toddler 学步儿童(1到3岁学着走路的孩子) toddlerhood 学步期 preschooler 学前儿童(3到5岁的孩子) early childhood 幼儿期 school children 学龄儿童(6到12岁已经开始上学的孩子) middle childh...

  • 《白雪公主之魔镜魔镜》精彩语句

    15-05-27 What's so funny? 有什么好笑的。 Take you the whole day to come up with that? 这么长时间就想出了这个? Nonsense. Apparently somebody has to teach a lesson to these children! 不可能 看来我要给这群小孩好好上一课。 Your father meant for you to inherit hi...

  • 中国将对儿童汽车座椅实行强制认证

    15-05-26 New regulations have been announced connected to car seats for children. 中国将对儿童汽车座椅出台新规则。 The new rules, which become active on September 1st, will ban the sale of child safety seats which don't have the China Compulsory Certificatio...

  • 出生顺序影响个性与学术成就

    15-05-21 It turns out, the order in which you were born can not only have an effect on your personality, but also your chances of academic success. 事实证明,出生顺序不仅会影响你的个性,还会影响你取得学术成就的机会。 According to Canadian duo Mitchell Moffit...

  • 哈里王子希望能尽快成家

    15-05-17 Prince Harry has said he wants to settle down and have children but is waiting to find the right woman who will be next to me to share the pressure. 哈里王子称,他希望自己能尽快成家,生个孩子。不过,目前,他还在等待那个对的人出现,可以陪在他身边,和...

  • 贝嫂写给孩子们的公开信

    15-05-17 Being a mother is simply the greatest achievement of my life. It has taken me on an unexpected journey that can constantly surprise, educate and confuse me! The emotional connection I feel towards my children brings boundless elation and joy as well...

  • car schooling 车内教育

    15-04-24 Assuming you've already helped your children select their activities thoughtfully, but still find yourself in the car several hours a week, there are things you can do to make the best of your car time together. 假设你已经帮助你的孩子们认真周全地选...

  • 柏林65岁女性怀上四胞胎

    15-04-19 A 65-year-old Berlin woman who already has 13 children is pregnant again with quadruplets, Germany's RTL broadcaster reported on Sunday. 4月12日,据德国RTL电视台报道,柏林一名65岁的女性怀上了四胞胎,而此前她已经孕育了13名孩子。 The Russian and Engli...

  • 大麻药水有望用于治疗癫痫儿童

    15-04-14 A medicinal liquid form of marijuana may show promise as a treatment for children with severe epilepsy that is not responding to other treatments, according to a study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 67th...