• 洗衣粉凝珠对儿童具有潜在伤害

    14-11-12 Laundry detergent pods began appearing on U.S. store shelves in early 2012, and people have used them in growing numbers ever since. The small packets can be tossed into a washing machine without ever having to measure out a liquid or powder. The co...

  • cute response 可爱回应

    14-11-11 Cute response is that humans are hardwired to prefer babies whether they are in the photo or in real life. 可爱回应指的是成年人无论看到婴儿照片还是真实的婴儿都能积极回应的现象。 Cuteness isn't something that only adults can identify, children as you...

  • 发达国家中韩国儿童最不幸福

    14-11-10 South Korean children are the least happy in study among developed countries, the government said on Tuesday, citing the stress of the country's educational pressure cooker. 一项针对发达国家儿童的调查显示,韩国儿童是其中最不幸福的。周二,韩国政府表...

  • “中性”养育孩子成当今热门话题

    14-11-07 'Gender neutral' parenting, which involves bringing your child up without revealing or referencing their sex, is a hot topic right now. 中性养育孩子成为了如今的一个热门话题,它指父母在抚育孩子的过程中,不刻意向孩子灌输ta的性别这样一种理念。 Along wi...

  • 单卖儿童自闭症的患病率有所上升

    14-11-05 About 60 percent of the increase in the observed prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in Danish children appears to be largely due to changes in reporting practices, according to a study published online by JAMA Pediatrics. The prevalence...

  • 电池护套可减免儿童吞食所致伤害

    14-11-05 A Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) led team has developed a simple coat of armor to encase small batteries, rendering them harmless if they are ever swallowed. Children, particularly infants and young toddlers, can ingest these batteries, leading...

  • 非西班牙裔白人青年患1型糖尿病的比例上升

    14-10-27 The rate of non-Hispanic white youth diagnosed with type 1 diabetes increased significantly from 2002 to 2009 in all but the youngest age group of children, according to a new study published today in the journal Diabetes. The study included data fr...

  • snowplough parents 扫雪机父母

    14-10-27 Most of us are familiar with the concept of the 'helicopter parent' who hovers anxiously over their child's every move. But now a new parenting type has been identified - and experts say ' snowplough parents ', who clear every obstacle from their ch...

  • 环境污染可能导致自闭症

    14-10-24 Pollution could be a factor in autism, researchers have found. 研究者们发现,环境污染可能会导致自闭症。 They say children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were more likely to have been exposed to higher levels of certain air toxics during their m...

  • Kidizoom推出儿童智能手表

    14-10-24 当很多成人还在等待苹果的iWatch上市,孩子们已经可以拥有自己的智能手表了。Kidizoom推出一款名为Vtech的儿童智能手表准备抢滩节日玩具市...