• 利比亚运钞车被劫 损失5400万美元

    13-10-29 Libya's state news agency says gunmen have stolen $54m in an attack on a van carrying foreign and local currency for the Libyan central bank. 利比亚国家新闻机构称,持枪歹徒洗劫了利比亚央行一辆装载外币与本国货币的厢式货车,损失共计5400万美元。 Rebel...

  • 纽约警方破获香烟走私集团

    13-05-17 New York officials say they have busted a multi-million dollar cigarette smuggling ring. 纽约官员称,他们破获一个价值数百万美元的香烟走私集团。 About 20,000 cartons were brought to New York per week by distributors Officials allege that three of the...

  • 奥运金牌得主现金奖励大盘点

    12-07-31 Team GB athletes who win gold at this year's home Olympics will be immortalised in the national memory. But for competitors from some other nations, prestige isn't the only thing driving them on. 在本次主场奥运会中获得金牌的英国运动员无疑将在英国名...

  • 美国员工更期盼圣诞奖金

    11-12-10 美国公司多数员工更希望得到节日奖金,而不是为他们举办的豪华圣诞派对。 Companies planning to spend thousands of dollars for staff Christmas parties, even with open bars, shouldn't bother because most US employees would prefer money. Nearly three quart...

  • 墨西哥军方缴获1530万巨额贩毒现金

    11-11-23 Soldiers in Mexico have seized $15.3m (9.8m) in cash, believed to belong to the country's most wanted drug lord, Joaquin Shorty Guzman. 墨西哥军方缴获了1530万美元现金,这批现金属于墨西哥头号通缉毒枭杰矮个子奎因古兹曼。 The security forces said they...

  • FriendTM 朋友提款机

    11-07-10 FriendTM refers to the situation when a friend low on cash (the paper kind) pays the group's bill on his/her debit card in order to get the cash from their friends--therefore avoiding both the ATM surcharge and the inconvenience of finding one. 朋友...

  • 18种英语国家常用手势

    10-12-06 1. anger and anxiousness(愤怒、急躁):两手臂在身体两侧张开,双手握拳,怒目而视。也常常头一扬,嘴里咂咂有声,同时还可能眨眨眼睛或者眼珠向上和向一侧转动,也表示愤怒、厌烦、急躁。 2. use your brain/being clever(动脑筋、机敏一点):用手指点点自己的太...

  • 增词减词

    10-10-09 1、增词 增词,从理论上说可以增加任何词,但在什么时候增加什么样的词,才能恰到好处,而不超出一定界限,则需要悉心体会。下面试分析几个译例: 1)A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper. 译文一:一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。 译文二:一本书,如果紧紧...

  • 黑客入侵ATM 让其自动吐钞

    10-08-07 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their cash by hijacking the computers inside them. 一位计算机黑客通过入侵ATM柜员机里的电脑的方式,不用银行卡就能让ATM机疯狂吐钞。 A hacker has discovered a way to force ATMs to disgorge their c...

  • Only cash and credit cards

    10-02-24 When a man called a motel and asked how much they charged for a room, the clerk told him that the rates depend on room size and number of people. Do you take children? the man asked. No, sir, replied the clerk. Only cash and credit cards....