• strapped for cash 手头紧

    21-12-06 短语 to be strapped for cash 指手头没有足够的钱,常被用来形容暂时资金短缺、手头紧。 例句 Would you mind paying for the takeaway? Im a bit strapped for cash until payday. When I was a student I was frequently strapped for cash. Actually, thinking abo...

  • delivery fee to be collected 到付

    21-11-19 邮寄快递时,通常需要选择付款方式(payment)是到付还是寄付。 到付顾名思义就是指包裹运达目的地后由收货人给付运费(person or company that receives packages will pay delivery fees at the time the packages are received),可以翻译为 delivery fee to be co...

  • I am strapped. 我手头紧。

    21-11-12 I am poor 我没钱 I am strapped.手头紧 经常听到人说Im poor.. Im poor...Im poor,不管什么都用poor。 但歪果仁就算手头一时很紧,也不会说自己poor,因为poor是穷到基本要靠救济过日子的程度。他们一般用strapped来代替poor。 例句 Im strapped for cash recently...

  • 如何成为攒钱高手?

    21-09-25 俗话说:未雨绸缪,积谷防饥。存点钱以备不时之需非常重要。但存钱这件事情说起来容易,做起来难。我们如何能够提高攒钱的能力? We often try to save money for a variety of different reasons. It might be to save up for a new computer, put money aside into a...

  • 不断更新演变的货币

    21-02-25 有人说金钱能推动世界运转。作为交易中不可缺少的一环,钱这一概念将会怎样改变?从以物易物式的古老经济制度到如今使用现金、信用卡、甚至是网络虚拟货币等支付手段,人们对金钱的定义和理解在不断地更新。 How do you pay for things in a shop? Perhaps you like th...

  • 新冠疫情加速推进 “无现金” 社会

    20-11-17 专家们称,随着人们逐渐向数字支付过渡,新冠肺炎疫情将加速推进现金使用的衰落。英国的封锁政策已导致使用自动取款机取款的次数下降了 60% ,尽管人们提款的总额有所增加。 The dramatic drop in cash withdrawals is the obvious result of more people having to do...

  • 能借我点钱吗?

    20-10-19 1. Could I borrow some cash? 我能借点现金吗? 动词borrow的意思是借入;不可数名词cash指现金。 2. You couldnt lend me a tenner, could you? 你能不能借我十镑钱? 动词lend的意思是借出。这句话是反义疑问句,所以用could的否定形式couldnt,句尾用附加成分could...

  • 1/5中国人认为电子支付会取代现金

    19-01-04 According to a recent survey, over 20 percent of people in China think digital payments will replace cash transactions in the future. 最近的一项调查显示,中国超过20%的人认为未来电子支付会取代现金交易。 The survey by the China Payment and Clearing As...

  • 调查:上海年终奖全国最高

    18-01-26 A survey released by online recruitment platform Zhaopin.com shows that Shanghai has beaten other Chinese cities in giving out the biggest cash end-of-year bonuses to its white-collar workers in 2017, expected to average 11,913 yuan (1,865 US dollar...

  • 澳门ATM取现安检升级

    17-05-09 Taking security to a new level, Macau is stepping up security checks at ATMs in the Asian gambling hub by requiring facial scans and ID card verification for cash withdrawals using Chinas main payment network. 澳门将ATM取现安全检查升级到新标准:用大...