• 铃木汽车将在美国停售

    12-11-06 Japan's Suzuki Motors will stop selling cars in the US. 日本铃木汽车将停止在美国市场的销售。 The firm said its focus on small cars and stringent(严厉的) US safety regulations had hurt its growth in the country. It added that a strong yen, which ma...

  • 有钱人不爱洗车 车更脏

    12-07-17 Wealthier motorists are 'too posh to wash' their cars, an AA survey reveals today. 今日发布的一份汽车协会调查显示,有钱的驾驶者太优雅了,优雅得连车都懒得洗。 They are more willing to drive dirtier vehicles for longer than poorer but prouder owners w...

  • 英国警方免费招募志愿者保养警车

    12-06-16 英国斯塔福德郡警方近期发布一则广告,在当地招募志愿者免费为他们清洗并保养警车,称此举每年能帮助警方节约5500小时的时间,同时还能减少警局的支出。 A police force in Britain has advertised for members of the public to wash and valet(清洗汽车) its patro...

  • 日本三月出口额增长

    12-04-19 Japan's exports rose in March, boosted by a surge in shipments of cars. 受汽车出货量猛增的影响,日本三月份出口额得以增长。 Car exports rose 33.6% from a year earlier, with overall exports up by 5.9%, latest trade data showed. Japanese carmakers have...

  • 捷豹将生产F型跑车

    12-04-05 Jaguar Land Rover is to build a successor to its previous sports cars called the F-type at its factory in Birmingham. 捷豹陆虎将在伯明翰的工厂中生产F型跑车来接替以往的车型。 Jaguar's F-type will be based on the C-X16 concept car and be the heir to i...

  • 路虎与奇瑞将合资建厂

    12-03-22 Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) and Chery Automobile have agreed a joint venture that should pave the way for production of Jaguar and Land Rover cars in China. 捷豹路虎与奇瑞汽车将建立一座合资企业,这将为捷豹和路虎车在中国的生产铺平道路。 A new, jointly ow...

  • A Smugglar 走私犯

    11-12-13 The suspicious-looking man drove up to the border, where he was greeted by a sentry(哨兵) . When the guard looked in the trunk, he was surprised to find six sacks bulging at the seams(缝合线) . What's in here? he asked. Dirt, the driver replied....

  • 英国拟禁止车内吸烟

    11-11-16 All smoking in cars should be banned across the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say. 英国医生称,一切车辆内应当禁止吸烟以保护人们免受二手烟危害。 The British Medical Association called for the extension of the current ban on smo...

  • 阿拉伯酋长巨大“沙滩签名”太空可见

    11-07-25 Every child has written their names on the beach at some point. But whereas most people's 'sandwriting' is washed away, one super-rich Arab sheikh has ensured that his doodles will last a little longer. 每个孩子都曾在沙滩上留名。尽管绝大多数沙滩签名...

  • 七成男性爱车胜过爱自己

    11-06-18 Is it any surprise that most men find it easier to love their cars more than themselves? 如果大多数男性爱车胜过爱自己,会有人感到惊讶吗? Almost 70 percent of American men said they find it easier to care for their cars than their personal health, a...