• 爱在日出时

    13-06-07 Sunrise on the eastern coast is a special event. I stood at Dolphin's Nose, a spur jutting out into the Bay of Bengal, to behold the breaking of the sun's upper limb over the horizon of the sea. As the eastern sky started unfolding like the crimson...

  • 爆炸事件相关词汇

    13-05-13 爆炸 blast/explosion 炸开/猛烈爆炸 rip through 爆炸半径/范围 blast radius 冲击波/爆震波 shockwave 爆炸袭击 blast struck 爆炸的巨响声 big bang 玻璃碎片 glass fragments 煤气供应 gas supply 液化气泄漏 liquefied petroleum gas leak 商业大厦 commercial bu...

  • 墨西哥石油总部大楼发生爆炸 25人死亡

    13-02-01 The number of people killed by a blast in Mexico City at the headquarters of the state oil company, Pemex, has risen to 25, the interior minister has said. 墨西哥内政部长称,位于墨西哥城的国有墨西哥石油公司总部发生爆炸,死亡人数已上升至25人。 The 54...

  • 亚历山大一座公寓楼坍塌 25人死亡

    13-01-17 A block of flats has collapsed in the coastal Egyptian city of Alexandria, killing at least 25 people. 埃及沿海城市亚历山大一座公寓楼发生坍塌,造成至少25人死亡。 Others were injured as the eight-story building collapsed, reports said. The cause of t...

  • Falling Down 他一定是在吹牛

    12-10-26 A man is fibbing away about how great things are in his country. Finally, he starts describing the tall buildings in his country. There is a building so tall, it took my friend Alex 72 hours to fall off it! Oh, my God! says his friend. Surely he mus...

  • earth-scraper 摩地大楼

    12-07-13 Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey ' earth-scraper ' which plunges 300 metres below ground. The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital. 墨西哥建...

  • 培养团队精神的运动是浪费时间

    12-02-11 The majority of workers think that team-building exercises are a waste of time, a survey has found. 调查发现,大多数员工认为,培养团队精神的运动是浪费时间。 The poll of more than 1,000 revealed that more than half think that the events do little to...

  • 新西兰地震调查:坎特伯雷电视大楼质量不达标

    12-02-09 A building that collapsed during last year's Christchurch earthquake was sub-standard, an official report has found. 新西兰一份官方报告显示,去年克莱斯特彻奇地震中倒塌的一座建筑质量不合格。 A total of 115 people died when the CTV building collapsed...

  • 叙利亚执政党所属建筑遭炮弹袭击

    11-11-20 At least two rocket-propelled grenades have hit a building of Syria's governing Baath Party in the capital Damascus, residents and activists say. 当地居民称,叙利亚执政党复兴党在首都大马士革的一座建筑遭到至少两枚火箭弹袭击。 Protests have taken plac...

  • 墨西哥建筑师设计300米深“摩地大楼”

    11-10-16 Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey 'earth-scraper' which plunges 300 metres below ground. The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height limits on new buildings in the capital. 墨西哥建筑...