• 印度政府办公楼年久失修 员工戴头盔上班

    17-08-21 Sick of living in constant fear that bits of roof are going to fall on their heads, office workers in a dilapidated Government building in Bihar, India, were forced to wear metal motorcycle helmets at all times. 受够了整日生活在天花板碎片砸到脑袋上...

  • architectural myopia 建筑短视

    16-08-10 Have you ever looked at a bizarre building design and wondered, What were the architects thinking? You might be forgiven for thinking these architects must be blind! New research shows that in a real sense, you might actually be right. 你是否曾经看...

  • 海淘英语之常用地址

    16-06-02 甲/乙/丙/丁 -A/B/C/D 楼/层 -/F 号 -No. 室/房-Room 单元-Unit 楼/栋- Building 住宅区/小区 - Residential Quater 公司 -Com.或 Crop或LTD.CO 号宿舍 - Dormitory 厂 -Factory 酒楼/酒店 -Hotel 巷/弄 -Lane 路 -Road 花园- Garden 院- Yard 街- Str...

  • parasite building 寄生建筑

    15-09-25 A parasite building is a small building or structure that has been added to an existing, larger building, particularly when the styles of the two structures are noticeably different. 寄生建筑指在现有的较大建筑物上额外增加的一个风格完全不同的小型建筑...

  • Jengatecture 叠叠乐式建筑

    15-08-20 Jengatecture refers to building designs that consist of a series of stacked, offset boxes. Jengatecture is a blend of Jenga and architecture. Jengatecture(叠叠乐式建筑)指含有一系列错落堆叠的方块的建筑设计。Jengatecture是Jenga(叠叠乐)和architectu...

  • 模仿碧昂丝曲线形外观的摩天大楼

    15-07-11 Beyonc is one of the most influential women in the world and it appears even skyscrapers want to look like her. 碧昂丝是世界最具影响力的女性之一,就连摩天大楼的外观也想向她靠拢。 Australian architect firm Elenberg Fraser wanted to design a 'flawless...

  • 埃及一座安保大楼遭炸弹袭击 14人死亡

    13-12-24 A huge explosion at a security building in northern Egypt has killed at least 14 people and injured more than 100, officials and state media say. 埃及官方媒体称,北部地区一座安保大楼发生大型爆炸案,造成至少14人死亡、100人受伤。 The impact of the bla...

  • 美国举行9·11事件12周年纪念

    13-09-12 The US has remembered the victims of the 9/11 attacks in a series of memorials marking the 12th anniversary. 美国举行了一系列的纪念活动,纪念911事件发生12周年以及该事件中的受害者。 The 11 September 2001 attacks killed almost 3,000 people in New York...

  • 圣保罗一座建筑坍塌 7人死亡

    13-08-28 A commercial building has collapsed in a suburb of the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, killing at least seven people and injuring many more, officials say. 巴西城市圣保罗郊区一座商业建筑突然坍塌,造成至少7人死亡、相当多的人受伤。 Rescue workers have be...

  • 《爱在日落黄昏时》五

    13-07-22 精彩对白 Jesse: I think that book that I wrote was like building something...so that I wouldn't forget the details of the time that we spent together. You know, like, just as a reminder, that once, we really did meet. You know, that this was real, t...