• 三星堆博物馆新馆在四川广汉开工

    22-04-02 29日,三星堆博物馆新馆建设项目在四川广汉市开工,新馆将再现三星伴月景观。 The construction of a new building of the renowned Sanxingdui museum began on Tuesday in the city of Guanghan, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 3月29日,三星堆博物馆新馆建设...

  • 与“摩天大楼”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 摩天大楼skyscrapers,这种高耸入云的建筑已成为现代大都市里不可忽视的一道景象,也成为了游客们竞相游览的胜地以及商业和住宅中心。你知道多少有关摩天大楼的常识?试着用以下《英语小测验》里出现过的英语词汇描述高层建筑。 1. A skyscraper is a building that ha...

  • the sands of time 时间的流沙

    21-05-22 搭配 the sands of time 时间之沙 是用沙漏里的流沙来比喻时间流逝。它多用来谈论过去已经发生过的事情,表示时间过得很快。 例句 No one knows where the story came from. The authors name is lost in the sands of time. 没人知道这则故事出自何人。作者的名字早已...

  • 彭博欧洲总部大楼获英国皇家建筑师协会年度大奖

    21-04-02 彭博公司位于伦敦的欧洲总部大楼获得了由英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)颁发的斯特林奖。英国皇家建筑师学会每年会把奖项颁发给英国最好的新建筑。彭博公司的这幢大楼是世界上最环保节能的办公楼,也是伦敦金融城内最大的石头建筑。 The Bloomberg building has been desc...

  • too & very 的区别

    20-10-15 Very = 很 When we use very, its not clear whether what we are describing is a good or a bad thing. 当我们用 very 时,并没有说明所描述的事物是好是坏。 The building is very old. This could be a good thing: the building is old and beautiful. It could a...

  • 北京开始打造智慧工地

    19-07-22 Beijing has started to build smart construction sites, said the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. 北京市住房和城乡建设委员会表示,北京已开始建造智慧建筑工地。 According to the commission, some construction companie...

  • 京东27亿买下北京翠宫饭店

    19-02-14 Chinese e-commerce giant JD has acquired Beijing Jade Palace Hotel for 2.7 billion yuan. 中国电商巨头京东以27亿元买下北京翠宫饭店。 The company says Beijings Haidian district is full of talent and innovation resources, and the acquisition of the hot...

  • 帝国大厦闪亮彩灯庆祝中国新年

    19-02-02 The top of the landmark Empire State Building in Manhattan will shine in red, blue and yellow on the nights of Monday and Tuesday to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. 下周一周二晚间,曼哈顿帝国大厦楼顶将闪耀红、蓝、黄色彩灯以庆祝中国农历新年。 C...

  • 中国科学家研发新型防火建筑材料

    18-04-03 Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a new fire-retardant construction material that can resist about 1,300 degrees Celsius flame without disintegration. 中国科技大学的科研人员研发出一种新型防火建筑材料,...

  • 台湾花莲地震死亡人数已达到17

    18-02-11 Two more mainland tourists were confirmed dead Sunday in the powerful earthquake in Taiwans Hualien County, bringing the death toll to 17. 台湾花莲县大地震,又有两名大陆游客周日被确认死亡,现在死亡人数已达到17人。 Braving the danger of aftershocks,...