• 韩国健身学员集体跳动致大楼震动

    11-07-24 6日韩国首尔的电器电子商城Techno Mart突然上下震动10分钟左右,专家经调查后认为,这次震动起因是大楼里有一个健身中心,参加健身项目的学员集体跳动引起震动。 South Korean experts said Tuesday they believe a vigorous(有力的) gym exercise session caused a...

  • 太阳能电池板能降低建筑物温度

    11-07-19 Those solar panels on top of your roof aren't just providing clean power; they are cooling your house, or your workplace, too, according to a team of researchers led by Jan Kleissl, a professor of environmental engineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs...

  • 利比亚领导卡扎菲的建筑遭导弹袭击

    11-03-21 A missile strike on Libyan leader Col Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli has destroyed a building which coalition officials said was a command centre. 利比亚领导人卡扎菲的一座建筑遭导弹袭击,联盟官员称这是一座指挥中心。 Journalists were shown the ruined...

  • 美国发布查尔斯顿沙发店大火最终分析报告

    11-03-17 The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its final report on its study of the June 18, 2007, fire at the Sofa Super Store in Charleston, S.C., that trapped and killed nine firefighters, the highest number of firefighter...

  • 印度男子娶妻39位 子孙百余名

    11-02-26 A 66-year-old man in India's remote northeast has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, all living under one roof. 印度东北部一个偏远地区有一位66岁男子,他共有39位妻子、94名儿女和33个孙子女,所有人都生活在一起。 A photograph of all the Ziona f...

  • 测试大火对钢架构的影响

    10-11-17 Researchers at Purdue University are studying the effects of fire on steel structures, such as buildings and bridges, using a one-of-a-kind heating system and a specialized laboratory for testing large beams and other components. Building fires may...

  • 阿联酋“首都之门”成为世界“最歪楼”

    10-06-12 阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比市的一座在建高楼近日被吉尼斯世界纪录认证为全球倾斜度最大的人工建筑。据介绍,这座集酒店和办公场所为一体的综合建筑名为首都之门,高160米,共35层,其整体结构从12层开始朝西倾斜角度达18度,是意大利比萨斜塔倾斜度的4倍多。 An off...

  • 前世界最高“台北101”拟环保取胜

    10-01-09 台北101大楼曾是全球最高建筑物,但是,随着楼高超过800米的迪拜塔落成,101只能屈居第二。台北101的发言人表示,该建筑已完成所有洁净能源标准,希望获得认证,成为全球最高的环保建筑物。发言人称,台北101明年将斥资6000万新台币,以完成100项环保认证,希望获得美...

  • 巴基斯坦白沙瓦情报局遭炸弹袭击

    09-11-13 A bomb has hit Pakistan's intelligence agency in the north-western city of Peshawar, killing at least seven people and injuring 35, officials said. 巴基斯坦西北部城市白沙瓦的情报局遭炮弹袭击,造成至少7人死亡、35人受伤。 The blast destroyed much of t...

  • Surprise dip in US home building 美国新房建设骤降

    09-08-19 Construction of new US homes posted a surprise fall in July, ending three straight months of increases, Commerce Department figures have shown. 美国商业部统计数据显示,七月份新房子建设突然降低,结束了连续三个月的增长。 The fall in new home building...