• 朴槿惠被控犯下多项腐败问题

    17-04-18 South Korean prosecutors on Monday indicted former President Park Geun-hye on multiple corruption charges including bribery and abuse of power. 韩国检察机关周一起诉前总统朴槿惠犯下收贿以及滥用权力等多项腐败问题。 Park was accused of taking a total o...

  • 以色列前总理奥尔默特因受贿被判六年监禁

    14-05-14 A court in Israel has sentenced former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to six years in prison for bribery. 以色列一家法院以受贿罪判处前总理埃胡德奥尔默特有期徒刑六年。 Ehud Olmert was forced to resign as prime minister amid a flurry of separate corruptio...

  • 意前总理贝卢斯科尼涉嫌行贿案将开庭

    13-10-24 Italian ex-PM Silvio Berlusconi has been ordered to stand trial for the alleged bribery of a senator. 意大利前总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼涉嫌贿赂一名参议员被要求出庭受审。 Berlusconi is accused of paying the left-wing senator 3m euros ($3.9m) to defect t...

  • Sweet-words bribery 精神贿赂

    13-03-07 Sweet-words bribery refers to endearing or flattering words, instead of cash and gifts, that some people use to win over the heart of their boss or someone who might be useful, in order to get what they want. Sweet-words bribery指不送钱和礼,而用阿...

  • 中国巨富黄光裕因受贿罪入狱

    10-05-18 Chinese tycoon Huang Guangyu has been sentenced to 14 years in prison after being found guilty of bribery, insider trading and illegal business practices. 中国巨富黄光裕因犯下受贿罪、内幕交易罪和非法经营罪被判处有期徒刑14年。 Huang Guangyu Huang, wh...

  • Indonesia graft chiefs 'suspects' 印尼反腐败主管反成“行贿嫌

    09-09-16 Police in Indonesia have named two senior anti-corruption chiefs as suspects in a criminal bribery case. 印尼警方认定两名高级反腐败主管为一起行贿案的嫌疑犯。 President Yudhoyono has pledged to tackle Indonesia's endemic corruption The two men - Chan...
