• 阿富汗某机场被汽车炸弹袭击

    12-02-27 At least six people have been killed in a suicide car bomb attack at Jalalabad airport in eastern Afghanistan, police say. 阿富汗警方称,东部贾拉拉巴德机场遭遇自杀式汽车炸弹袭击,至少6人被杀。 They say several other people were injured when the bomb...

  • 索马里沙巴布组织发动汽车炸弹袭击

    12-02-09 At least 10 people have been killed and more than 20 people injured when a car bomb exploded near a cafe in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, police say. 索马里警方称,首都摩加迪休一座咖啡馆附近发生汽车炸弹爆炸事故,至少10人死亡、20人受伤。 A police com...

  • 德国成功拆除两枚二战时期炸弹

    11-12-05 Bomb disposal experts in the German city of Koblenz have successfully defused two bombs from World War II found in the riverbed of the Rhine. 德国城市科布伦茨的拆弹专家成功拆除了两枚在莱茵河河床上发现的二战时期的炸弹。 They were discovered when wate...

  • 国际原子能机构:伊朗在研制核武器

    11-11-09 The UN's nuclear watchdog says it has information indicating Iran has carried out tests relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device. 联合国原子能监察机构称,他们所掌握的信息显示伊朗已进行与发展核爆装置有关的试验。 In its latest report...

  • 《捉刀手》一

    11-10-06 精彩对白 Ghost writer: Roy. Who're you expecting to bomb you, Random House? Roy: We're publishing Lang's memoirs. That's enough to make us a target, apparently. Ghost writer: Thank you. How many have you seen? Roy: Five. You're the last. I must be h...

  • 阿富汗前总统拉巴尼遇袭身亡

    11-09-21 The chairman of the Afghan High Peace Council, Burhanuddin Rabbani, has been killed with several other people in a bomb attack in Kabul, officials say. 阿富汗高等和平委员会主席布哈努丁拉巴尼与另外几人在喀布尔的一次炸弹袭击中丧生。 Mr Rabbani was kil...

  • 华沙发生连环爆炸 7人死亡

    11-08-11 At least seven people have been killed in twin bombings in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say. 巴基斯坦警方称,西北部城市华沙发生两起爆炸事故,至少7人死亡。 In the first incident, four police officers and a child were killed wh...

  • 白沙瓦发生爆炸事故 6人死亡

    11-06-05 At least six people have been killed in a bomb blast outside the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say. 巴基斯坦警方称,西北部城市白沙瓦外围一个炸弹爆炸,至少6人死亡。 The bomb was planted at a bus stop near a market in the town of Ma...

  • 《拆弹部队》五

    11-05-29 精彩对白 James: Hey, let me ask you a question. What happened to the little kid that used to work here? Seller: Sorry, man, English I... no English. James: No-no English, You no speak English now. Little kid, Beckham is his name. He sells... sells D...

  • 《拆弹部队》二

    11-05-29 精彩对白 Sanborn: I need to talk to you about something before we go out again. James: What's that? Sanborn: Yesterday. Wasn't cool James: Yeah, I know. You'll get it , though. Sanborn: So, you're a ranger , huh? James: Yeah, Sanborn: I was in intel...