• Google bomb 谷歌炸弹

    17-03-22 A Google bomb occurs when a group of people conspire to artificially elevate a website in Googles web search results ranking by linking a particular word or phrase to the website. 一些人密谋一起将一个特定的单词或短语链接到某个网站,人为地提升这个网...

  • 《经济学人》2015年度好书历史类

    16-02-15 Nagasaki: Life after Nuclear War Susan Southard The searing account of five teenage hibakusha (explosion-affected people): how they survived the atom bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in 1945, and the terrible price they paid in the aftermath of the...

  • 阿富汗某警局遭炸弹袭击 六人受伤

    15-11-19 At least six persons were wounded in a bomb attack inside a police station in Afghanistan's northern province of Baghlan on Thursday, a provincial source said. 本周四阿富汗北部巴格兰省一座警察局内部发生炸弹袭击事件,至少六人受伤。 A blast took place...

  • 索马里发生自杀式炸弹袭击 4人死亡

    15-01-05 Somalia's Al-Shabaab militant group has claimed responsibility for a suicide bomb attack in the country's capital, which left at least 4 people dead and several others injured. 索马里首都发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少4人死亡、多人受伤,青年党激进组织...

  • 反恐词汇盘点

    14-12-16 roadside explosives 路边炸弹 suicide bombings 人肉炸弹 mail bomb 邮包炸弹 military buildup 军事集结 terrorist mastermind 恐怖分子幕后主谋 hit targets 攻击目标 launch strikes 发动进攻 hand over 交出 stronghold 要塞据点 refueling stop 补给站 blitz 闪...

  • 开罗市区发生爆炸 12人受伤

    14-10-15 At least 12 people were injured in an explosion in the downtown of Egypt's capital Cairo late Tuesday, al-Ahram's Arabic website reported on Tuesday. A car bomb explosion went off near the supreme court in Ramses Street of downtown Cairo on Tuesday...

  • 常用英式俚语 下

    14-09-15 【金钱】 Quid Equal to £1. The word doesn't change in the plural, so £50 is fifty quid。 一英镑。这个词没有复数形式,所以50英镑就是fifty quid。 Skint, Broke Poor or lacking money 很穷、没钱 E.g. I can't come to the restaurant as I'm skint this wee...

  • 尼日利亚某大学遭自杀式炸弹袭击

    14-07-31 At least six people have been killed in a suicide bombing at a college in northern Nigeria's biggest city, Kano, witnesses say. 位于尼日利亚北方最大城市卡诺的一所大学发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少六人遇害。 The bomber was hidden among students at the...

  • 广岛原子弹最后一位机组人员离世

    14-07-30 The last surviving member of the US air crew that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima has died in Georgia aged 93. 在日本广岛投放原子弹的美国空军机组人员,其中最后一名生者近日逝于乔治亚州,享年93岁。 The Enola Gay was named after the mother of pilot...

  • 巴格达遭汽车炸弹袭击 21人死亡

    14-07-23 A suicide bomb has killed at least 21 people in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, police and medical officials have said. 伊拉克首都巴格达发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少21人死亡。 At least 13 civilians were killed in the attack, which took place at a police c...