• 伊拉克连环炸弹袭击,23人丧生

    09-12-25 A series of bomb attacks has killed at least 23 people in Iraq. 伊拉克发生一系列炸弹袭击,至少23人丧生。 The latest attacks, which appeared to target Shia Muslims, saw eight people killed in predominately占优势地,有影响地 Shia areas of the capital...

  • 伊朗总统否认核弹触发器实验

    09-12-22 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said a document apparently showing that Tehran plans to test a trigger for a nuclear bomb is a US forgery. 伊朗总统马哈茂德艾哈迈迪称,一份显示德黑兰计划测试核弹触发器的文档是美国伪造的。 Mr Ahmadinejad said...

  • 索马里议员遭迫击炮袭击

    09-12-22 At least eight people have died in a day of violence in Somalia which saw mortars fired at MPs meeting for the first time since August. 索马里自8月份以来首次发生使用迫击炮炮轰议员会议事件,此次冲突造成至少8人丧生。 No MPs were killed in the attack b...

  • 巴格达遭遇一系列汽车炸弹爆炸

    09-12-15 A series of car bombings has hit the centre of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, killing at least four people and wounding about 14, police say. 伊拉克首都巴格达发生一连串汽车炸弹袭击事件,造成至少4人死亡、14人受伤。 The blasts occurred outside the heavily...

  • 布朗宣布处理阿富汗路边炸弹的计划

    09-12-14 Gordon Brown is to outline proposals to counter roadside bombs which have led to rising UK deaths in Afghanistan. 戈登布朗将要阐述一些反击路边炸弹的建议,据悉路边炸弹是导致英国驻阿富汗军队死亡率上升的主要原因。 Mr Brown spent the weekend with Britis...

  • 索马里毕业典礼自杀式袭击者“来自丹麦”

    09-12-11 A suicide bomber who killed at least 22 people at a graduation in Somalia was brought up in Denmark, officials say. 近日索马里发生的造成至少22人死亡的毕业典礼自杀式炸弹袭击,其发动者是在丹麦被抚养长大。 Most of the dead were reported to have been st...

  • 巴基斯坦拉合尔集市发生炸弹爆炸事件

    09-12-08 Two bomb blasts have ripped through a busy market in the centre of Pakistan's second largest city, Lahore, killing at least 36 people, police and medics say. 巴基斯坦第二大城市拉合尔市某热闹的集市发生两起炸弹爆炸事故,至少36人被杀。 The attack, whic...

  • 巴格达某中学发生炸弹爆炸事件

    09-12-08 A bomb blast has killed at least eight people, mostly children, at a middle school in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. 伊拉克首都巴格达一所中学发生炸弹爆炸事件,造成8人死亡,而且多数是儿童。 The explosion also wounded at least 40 others, reports say. The...

  • 索马里人集会反对沙巴布自杀式袭击

    09-12-08 Hundreds of Somalis have taken to the streets of Mogadishu to protest against al-Shabab, the group held responsible for a deadly suicide attack last week. 数以百计的索马里人走上摩加迪沙街头对沙巴布青年党提出抗议,该组织对上周发生的一起致命自杀式袭击...

  • 索马里自杀式袭击事件广受谴责

    09-12-04 There has been widespread condemnation of a suicide bomb attack in Somalia that killed at least 19 people, including four government ministers. 近日索马里一起自杀式炸弹袭击事件导致包括4名政府官员在内共19人丧生,该袭击遭到了广泛的谴责。 Officials bel...