• 越来越多的女性不再剃除体毛

    17-05-28 Almost one in four young women have stopped shaving their underarms, figures show. 数据显示,近四分之一的年轻女性已经不再剃除腋下的毛发。 Research by analysts Mintel shows that there has been a steady decline in millennial women removing hair from t...

  • “美容觉”的确有作用

    17-05-27 Beauty sleep is a real thing, according to researchers who have shown that people who miss out on sleep do appear less attractive to others. 美容觉确有其事。研究人员表示,比起睡得好的人,睡眠不足的人显得没有那么光彩照人。 A couple of bad nights is e...

  • Beauty and The Beast

    17-04-12 When Bob found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with. So one evening he went to a singles bar where he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty t...

  • 2017年必须get的彩妆术

    16-12-30 FAKE FRECKLES Ms Brook says natural, beautiful skin will be huge this year - with raw skin teamed with bold eye and lip make up. Freckles will be such a huge trend, that even if you arent naturally blessed - they can be drawn on or even stuck on. SU...

  • 艾玛·沃森版《美女与野兽》海报曝光

    16-11-07 Disney fans, rejoice: Emma Watson will definitely be donning a version of Belles much-loved sunshine-hued ballgown in the studios forthcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast adaptation. 迪士尼的粉丝们,欢呼吧:艾玛沃森将在迪士尼工作室即将推出的真人...

  • trophy wife 花瓶老婆

    16-08-24 The trophy wife was wanted for her youth, beauty, and body. She earned nothing on her own and truthfully wasnt someone who was sought after for her brains. 男人想从花瓶老婆那里得到的是青春、美貌和身体。她自己不挣钱,说实话男人也不是因为她有脑子才追...

  • 女性的职位通常受早晨打扮时间长短的影响

    16-05-27 Theres a scene in the 2006 movie The Devil Wears Prada where Anne Hathaways character, Andrea Sachs, gets a makeover that literally makes her better at her job. 2006年上映的电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》中有一个场景,安妮海瑟薇扮演的安德莉亚萨克斯因为精心...

  • 《Vogue》杂志百年特辑 邀百岁老太当模特

    16-05-14 You hear it said often -- that true beauty is ageless -- but you dont see much evidence of the idea in popular culture, where the beauty ideal skews to the young, and the even younger. 你一定经常听说,真正的美丽永不会变老,但是流行文化很少能印证这个...

  • 海淘英语之物品种类

    16-04-06 all departments 所有分类 appliances 电器 arts, crafts sewing 美术、手工、缝纫用品 automotive 汽车用品 baby 母婴用品 beauty 美容化妆品 cell phones accessories 手机及配件 clothing accessories 服装配饰 collectibles fine art 收藏品艺术品 CDs Vinyl CD、...

  • 青春常驻的秘诀:远离阳光

    16-03-27 Forget glugging countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep. The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the sun. 别再热衷于疯狂饮水和睡美容觉了。青春常驻的秘诀其实只有一个:远离阳光。 A study of hundreds of women has revealed t...