• Foundation 粉底

    22-01-25 今天向各位仙女们主要推荐的是遮瑕度中等及高等(light/medium/full coverage)的粉底液和近几年风大到糊眼睛的气垫(cushion)! 目的:Creating a flawless complexion均匀肤色,遮住瑕疵,缔造完美肌肤。 手法:取黄豆粒大小的量,点涂在脸上各个区域,用化妆刷(brush)...

  • 43头骆驼因使用医美手段被沙特官方取消参加选美比赛资格

    21-12-16 沙特阿拉伯一年一度的阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹国王骆驼节又开始了。评委们将根据骆驼的头、脖子、驼峰等进行全方位评分,选出最美骆驼,颁发大奖。据外媒报道,这次比赛中超过40头骆驼因使用医美手段提升容貌而被取消参赛资格。这也是沙特史上最大的一次骆驼选美作假案。 In an...

  • high-level face 高级脸

    21-11-15 在时尚圈,称赞一个模特或明星的外貌经常会用到高级而不是漂亮。 高级脸是一个网络流行词,字面意思是high-level face,指时尚圈中具有辨识度(be easily recognized or identified)的长相。与千篇一律的整容脸(plastic face)不同,高级脸抛弃了高鼻梁、尖下巴、大...

  • 秦淮景

    21-06-17 秦淮景 The Qin Huai Scenery 填词:陈其钢 我有一段情呀 唱给诸公听 I have a story, and let me put it into song. 诸公各位 呀静静心呀 I hope every one of you can listen to me patiently. 让我来 唱一只秦淮景呀 Allow me to sing the legend of the Qinhuai Ri...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 22

    21-03-17 Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who either marries or dies, is sure of being kindly spoken of. A week had not passed since Miss Hawkinss name was first mentioned in Highbury, bef...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 20

    21-03-17 Jane Fairfax was an orphan, the only child of Mrs. Batess youngest daughter. The marriage of Lieut. Fairfax of the regiment of infantry, and Miss Jane Bates, had had its day of fame and pleasure, hope and interest; but nothing now remained of it, sa...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 19

    21-03-17 Emma and Harriet had been walking together one morning, and, in Emmas opinion, had been talking enough of Mr. Elton for that day. She could not think that Harriets solace or her own sins required more; and she was therefore industriously getting rid...

  • 芙蓉出水

    20-11-16 芙蓉出水指的是美丽的荷花从水中生长出来,形容清新、淡雅、自然之美(the term of lotus rising out of water describes a scene of freshness, quiet refinement and natural beauty)。芙蓉出水可以翻译为natural and refreshing like lotus rising out of water。...

  • 让你的睫毛像LED灯一样闪烁

    17-06-10 Weve had holographic lips, feather brows and the glistening glitter booty, but this latest trend isreally taking beauty to the future. 我们已经拥有全息唇彩、羽毛眉和闪光臀这些奇特的时尚造型,而最新的一种时尚正在引领着未来的美丽潮流。 Enter, LED lash...