• Paris

    16-03-15 Paris Jrgen Becker Days in gray Marais with terror between the gorges we parted ways wordlessly in the evening a good poet helped me until we found each other and drank something at tables of weathered beauty to forget the cold of the path back thro...

  • 罗马尼亚某女士用自己的头发织成背心

    16-03-04 Romanian woman Ortansa Pascariu is the proud owner of a very unusual piece of wardrobe - a vest made of her own hair! Ortansa had been collecting fallen strands of her hair for 20 years, and when she thought she had enough, she decided to use it for...

  • Memorial

    16-01-13 Memorial Dave Smith Today on the 17th fairway I stepped over the gutted, dried out corpse, not quite the length of my arm once, now more papery shell than any fish, and yet moccasin still. The triangular head had been halved, a six-iron maybe, swung...

  • Today I Saw a Butterfly

    15-12-25 Today I saw a butterfly, as it floated in the air; Its wings were spread in splendor, Unaware that I was there. It was such a thing of beauty, It was a sight to see; It was the perfect masterpiece, Full of grace and majesty. I found myself thinking,...

  • 东施效肇

    15-12-11 Xi Shi was a famous beauty of the State of Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period. Among Xi Shi's neighbours there was a very ugly woman whom everyone disliked and called Dong Shi. Dong Shi was very jealous of Xi Shi's beauty, but there was nothing...

  • “量化”珊瑚礁的美

    15-11-13 Almost every person has an appreciation for natural environments. In addition, most people find healthy or pristine locations with high biodiversity more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than environmentally degraded locations. In a study which...

  • hangover beauty 微醺妆

    15-09-25 Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair. 微醺妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再加上湿润亮泽的头发就成了。 The red around the eyes gives the impression of...

  • 日本最新化妆潮流 宿醉妆

    15-08-16 Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair. 宿醉妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再加上湿润亮泽的头发就成了。 The end result is a sickly, dishevelled appeara...

  • sunburn art 晒伤艺术

    15-08-06 A questionable beauty trend,known as sunburn art , has picked up steam on the Web in recent days: People are branding themselves with artistic designs by getting sunburned. 最近一个颇有争议的爱美风潮席卷互联网,这个风潮叫晒伤艺术:人们通过把皮肤晒伤...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 49

    15-06-15 Oh, Monsieur, I said to him, to what limits you do carry your villainy! To the ultimate periods, Roland answered; there is not a single extravagance in the world in which I have not indulged, not a crime I have not committed, and not one that my doc...