• The soldier and his horse

    13-09-25 A soldier gave his horse a plentiful supply of oats(燕麦) in time of war, and tended him with the utmost care, for he wished him to be strong to endure the hardships of the field, and swift to bear his master, when need arose, out of the reach of...

  • 怎么翻“以逸待劳”

    13-03-05 Await the Exhausted Enemy at Your Ease 以逸待劳 英文注释:It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energ...

  • 查尔斯王子将参加弗隆美尔战役阵亡士兵重葬仪式

    10-07-19 The last remains of scores of British and Australian World War I troops recovered from mass graves will be reburied in northern France later. 一战期间英国和澳大利亚部队许多士兵遗体被从乱葬岗中挖掘出来,并将被重新葬于发过北部。 Prince Charles and rel...

  • Kind advice is wise advice

    10-07-15 Once upon a time, the son of Brahmadatta was ruling righteously(正直地,公正地) in Benares, in northern India. It came to pass(实现,发生) that the King of Kosala made war, killed the King of Benares, and made the queen become his own wife. Mean...

  • 想不到已经跑了这么远

    10-02-24 I didn't know that I was so far A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decidedthat the fighting was getting too dangerou...

  • 尼日尔发生军事政变 总统被破下台

    10-02-19 A coup has taken place in Niger and the president has been captured after a gun battle in the capital, Niamey. 尼日尔当前正发生一场政变,在经历一场枪战之后,总统在首都尼亚美被俘。 The president was seized in a gun battle in Niger's capital, Niamey I...

  • Remarks by the President at Memorial Service at Fort Hood

    09-11-22 THE PRESIDENT: To the Fort Hood community; to Admiral Mullen; General Casey; General Cone; Secretary McHugh; Secretary Gates; most importantly, to family, friends and members of our Armed Forces. We come together filled with sorrow for the 13 Americ...

  • Battle of the smartphones begins 智能手机之战已然展开

    09-10-16 Smartphones are going mass market, fuelled by the public's insatiable appetite for social media, analysts say. 据分析称,因公众对社会媒体贪得无厌的胃口的需求,智能手机将进入大量市场销售期。 Blackberry offers improved typing They predict an explosion...

  • 拉锯战 seesaw battle

    09-09-21 拉锯战不仅出现在战场上,也出现在政界、职场还有感情生活中,谁都不会喜欢拉锯战的滋味。那么拉锯战的英文说法是什么呢? 请看新华社一则报道的标题: Seesaw battle over police chief nomination reflects coalition rift 警察总长提名拉锯战曝泰联盟间分裂 报道中...

  • Green domain sparks war of words 绿色占领引发口水战

    09-08-14 The battle to take control of a new internet domain aimed at environmental groups has escalated. 以环保团体为目标的掌握新因特网控制权的战役已然升级。 One of the consortiums(联合,合伙) preparing a bid to control .eco, as it is known, has published...