• 太难了,太辛苦了 下

    22-02-07 6. laborious laborious多指工作费时又费力。 Checking all the names was a slow, laborious job. 核对全部名字是件既慢又费劲的事。 7. onerous onerous就比较正式了,还包含了一种责任感。 the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution 寻找和平解决方案的艰巨...

  • seesaw battle 拉锯战

    21-01-09 拉锯战,中文俗语,是指竞争双方棋逢对手,你来我往不相上下,就像拉锯一样,故称拉锯战。可以翻译为seesaw(battle),seesaw表示a contest or struggle in which now one side now the other has the lead。拉锯可以翻译为be locked in a seesaw struggle。 例句:...

  • 辽宁号航母将停靠香港纪念回归20周年

    17-06-30 Chinas aircraft carrier CNS Liaoning will visit Hong Kong during celebrations for the 20th anniversary of the territorys return to the motherland, the Ministry of Defense has said. 中国国防部表示,辽宁号航母将停靠香港以纪念香港回归20周年。 July 1 ma...

  • 《权力的游戏》第七季将于7月16日首播

    17-03-15 After a dramatic reveal involving a giant melting block of ice, its now been confirmed that season seven of Game of Thrones will premiere on 16 July. 现在已证实《权力的游戏》第七季将于7月16日首播。日前发布的重磅预告片中展示了广袤大地上冰块消融的画面...

  • I was so far back already 我已经往回跑了这么远

    14-04-25 A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decided that the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he left the front...