• 英美禁止8国入境航班随身携带笔电

    17-03-25 The US and UK are banning laptops from cabin baggage on flights from certain countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as Turkey. 美英两国正对由中东、北非地区某些国家及土耳其入境的航班实施禁止随身携带笔记本电脑登机的禁令。 The US ban on...

  • 北京禁烟令初见成效

    15-11-26 A survey by the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control found that the public's approval ratings of Beijing's smoking ban almost doubled from 42.26 percent to 81.3 percent in the last six months. 中国控制吸烟协会的一项调查显示,最近六个月以来,北京禁...

  • 2014年中国文化产业出台的禁令新规

    14-12-28 This year many new prohibitions have been issued in cultural fields. Some of them were well received, such as prohibiting teachers from accepting gifts, while others triggered heated buzz, such as the removal of several US TV shows. Let's have a rev...

  • 保护鱼类不止发布一条禁令那么简单

    13-11-12 Banning the practice of throwing unmarketable(不能上市出售的) or over-quota fish back into the sea is just one of the measures needed to deliver sustainable fisheries according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Research carried o...

  • 美国康涅狄格州出台严厉控枪法案

    13-04-03 美国康涅狄格州立法会最近提出了一份控枪立法议案,禁止销售高载弹量弹夹,对所有私人枪支交易进行背景审查,同时对手中持有十颗以上子弹弹夹的用户进行登记。此外,该法案还规定,在该州购买任何武器需先获得资格证。 Connecticut state legislators have reached a d...

  • dog ban 禁狗令

    13-01-14 Police defend controversial dog ban - Under the regulation, each household is restricted to keeping no more than one dog. Dogs taller than 50 cm and longer than 70 cm are outlawed, with 49 breeds, such as mastiff, golden retriever and samoyed, being...

  • TV commercials ban 限广令

    12-09-12 China's top broadcasting watchdog has ordered a national ban on all TV stations airing commercials during TV dramas. 国家广电总局近日颁布限广令,规定在全国各电视台播出电视剧时,禁止插播广告。 文中的ban on all TV stations airing commercials指的就是 T...

  • 全国性禁烟运动可显著降低孕妇吸烟率

    10-11-11 New research released today takes a look at birth outcomes and maternal(母亲的) smoking, building urgency for more states and cities to join the nationwide smoke-free trend that has accelerated in recent years. According to the new data, strong sm...

  • 美国禁止艾滋病移民入境

    10-01-04 The US has lifted a 22-year immigration ban which has stopped anyone with HIV/Aids from entering the country. 美国提出一项长达22年的移民法,禁止任何艾滋病病毒携带着入境。 President Obama wants the US to be a world leader on HIV research President Ob...

  • 瑞士选民支持禁止宣礼塔扩建

    09-11-30 Swiss voters have supported a referendum proposal to ban the building of minarets, official results show. 瑞士官方结果显示,瑞士选民赞成禁止建设清真宣礼塔的公民请求。 There are only four minarets in Switzerland More than 57% of voters and 22 out of...