• 1500年前的粪便中的细菌

    14-05-21 By evaluating the bacteria and fungi found in fossilized feces(排泄物) , microbiologists are providing evidence to help support archeologists' hypotheses regarding cultures living in the Caribbean over 1,500 years ago. They report their findings t...

  • 军团杆菌可以生存于玻璃水中

    14-05-20 A form of bacteria responsible for respiratory illness, including the deadly pneumonia known as Legionnaire's disease, may be able to grow in windshield washer fluid and was isolated from nearly 75% of school buses tested in one district in Arizona,...

  • 口腔中的细菌可用于检测胰腺癌

    14-05-19 Patients with pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer have a different and distinct profile of specific bacteria in their saliva compared to healthy controls and even patients with other cancers or pancreatic diseases, according to research presented today at t...

  • 尿液并非是无菌的

    14-05-19 Bacteria live in the bladders of healthy women, discrediting the common belief that normal urine is sterile(无菌的) . This finding was presented today by researchers from Loyola University Chicago at the 114th General Meeting of the American Socie...

  • 抗生素抗性基因本质上处处存在

    14-05-10 The largest metagenomic(元基因组的) search for antibiotic resistance genes in the DNA sequences of microbial communities from around the globe has found that bacteria carrying those vexing(令人烦恼的) genes turn up everywhere in nature that scie...

  • 细菌如何利用蛋白质造成感染

    14-05-04 New research by scientists at the University of York sheds light on how bacteria exploit human proteins during infections. A research team led by Professor Jennifer Potts, a British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow in York's Department of Bio...

  • 帕金森症是否为自体免疫疾病?

    14-04-19 The cause of neuronal death in Parkinson's disease is still unknown, but a new study proposes that neurons may be mistaken for foreign invaders and killed by the person's own immune system, similar to the way autoimmune diseases like type I diabetes...

  • 许多动物与微生物存在共生关系

    14-04-16 Like humans, many animals depend on beneficial microbes for survival. Although such symbioses(共生) can persist for millions of years, the factors maintaining their long-term stability remain, in most cases, unknown. Scientists from the Max Planck...

  • 海洋细菌可用于治疗葡萄球菌感染

    14-01-13 Aggressive infections are a growing health problem all over the world. The development of resistant bacteria is rampant(猖獗的) and, in the United States, resistant staphylococci(葡萄状球菌) cause more deaths than AIDS on an annual basis. Resear...

  • 早产可能与细菌有关

    14-01-09 A major cause of premature birth may be caused by specific bacteria, according to research. 研究显示,早产的一个主要原因可能是因为某种细菌。 The research could lead to screening and possible treatment for women at risk of early labour, says a US tea...