• 土壤中的益生菌能使植物提升免疫力

    12-08-28 With the help of beneficial bacteria, plants can slam the door when disease pathogens come knocking, University of Delaware researchers have discovered. A scientific team under the leadership of Harsh Bais, assistant professor of plant and soil scie...

  • 利用细菌净化饮用水

    12-08-09 Contrary to popular belief, purified drinking water from home faucets(水龙头) contains millions to hundreds of millions of widely differing bacteria per gallon, and scientists have discovered a plausible(貌似可信的) way to manipulate those popul...

  • 基因改良过的细菌可使蚊子停止传播疟疾

    12-07-17 Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute have genetically modified a bacterium commonly found in the mosquito's midgut(中肠) and found that the parasite that causes malaria in people does not survive in mosquitoes carrying the m...

  • 趋氧性细菌如何改变运动方向

    12-06-26 How single cell organisms like bacteria manage to react to their environment is not yet completely understood. Together with colleagues from Japan, Dr. Samir El-Mashtoly from the RUB Department of Biophysics, led by Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, has gain...

  • 混合细菌种群会共享资源

    12-05-17 New research shows how bacteria evolve to increase ecosystem functioning by recycling each other's waste. The study provides some of the first evidence for how interactions between species shape evolution when there is a diverse community. Predictin...

  • 人体会向外界释放细菌

    12-03-29 A person's mere presence in a room can add 37 million bacteria to the air every hour -- material largely left behind by previous occupants and stirred up from the floor -- according to new research by Yale University engineers. We live in this micro...

  • 细菌之间通过触觉进行交流

    12-03-02 What if bacteria could talk to each other? What if they had a sense of touch? A new study by researchers at UC Santa Barbara suggests both, and theorizes that such cells may, in fact, need to communicate in order to perform certain functions. The fi...

  • 开创性研究揭示细菌的奥秘

    12-03-02 Ground-breaking research by an international team of scientists will help to make one of the most versatile(通用的) of bacteria even more useful to society and the environment. Though it lives naturally in the soil, the bacterium Bacillus subtilis...

  • 变形虫可能对光合作用的演化起关键作用

    12-02-28 The major difference between plant and animal cells is the photosynthetic(光合作用的) process, which converts light energy into chemical energy. When light isn't available, energy is generated by breaking down carbohydrates(碳水化物) and sugars,...

  • 质谱分析法可快速检测葡萄球菌感染

    12-01-13 Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a new laboratory test that can rapidly identify the bacterium(细菌) responsible for staph(葡萄球菌) infections. This new...