• 已婚男人寻求心脏病治疗更快

    11-07-19 Men who are married or in common-law relationships seek medical care sooner for heart attacks compared with single, divorced or widowed men, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only) http://www.cmaj.ca/...

  • 尼日利亚激进分子袭击致10人死亡

    11-07-04 At least 10 people have been killed in a series of attacks blamed on Islamist militants in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, officials have said. 尼日利亚官员称,东北部城市迈杜古里伊斯兰激进分子发动了一连串袭击,造成至少10人死亡。 Milita...

  • 索尼部分网站遭黑客攻击

    11-05-25 The Japanese electronics giant Sony has reported fresh hacking attacks on a number of its websites. 日本电子产品巨头索尼公司宣布旗下一些网站遭受到黑客攻击。 The company said that personal data of 2,000 consumers was stolen from a Sony Ericsson websi...

  • 针对关键系统的网络攻击逐渐增多

    11-04-19 Internet-based attacks on critical systems such as gas, power and water have increased around the world, a report suggests. 一份报告显示,世界上针对诸如石化、电力和水力等关键系统的网络攻击正在逐渐增多。 Security firm McAfee surveyed 200 IT executive...

  • 埃及着手调查鲨鱼袭人案

    10-12-07 Egypt's tourism ministry has called in experts from abroad to investigate a series of shark attacks off the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. 埃及旅游部邀请国外专家调查近期在红海旅游胜地沙姆沙伊赫会发生的一系列鲨鱼袭击事件。 A 70-year-old German wo...

  • 他汀类药物可预防心脏病和中风

    10-11-10 Raising the dose of cholesterol-lowering drugs could prevent many more heart attacks and strokes, say researchers. 研究人员称,提高降胆固醇药物的服用量可以预防多种心脏疾病和中风。 Higher doses can cause side effects UK and Australian teams compared...

  • 奥巴马演讲 采取行动应对恐怖分子

    10-11-07 THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I want to briefly update the American people on a credible(可靠的,可信的) terrorist threat against our country, and the actions that we're taking with our friends and our partners to respond to it. Last n...

  • 民主刚果军队受到强奸、谋杀指控

    10-10-15 A UN envoy says government troops in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) might have committed rape and murder. 一位联合国特使称刚果民主共和国的政府军队可能犯下了强奸、谋杀罪。 Margot Wallstrom visited the Democratic Republic of Congo last week to...

  • 七七伦敦爆炸案将开庭审理

    10-10-11 The inquests for the 52 people killed by four suicide bombers in the 7 July 2005 London attacks are due to start. 2005年7月7日四名自杀式炸弹袭击伦敦造成52人死亡一案将要展开审讯。 Survivors of the 7 July London bombings will be among those giving evi...

  • 北约运油车遭巴基斯坦歹徒袭击

    10-10-07 Militants in Pakistan have destroyed at least 40 tankers carrying fuel for Nato in two separate attacks, police say. 巴基斯坦警方称,激进分子在两次单独袭击中毁坏40多辆北约运油车。 The Nowshera attack was the fifth - and possibly most serious - in th...