• meet trouble half-way 杞人忧天

    22-01-22 杞人忧天,杞是古代地名(the name of an ancient state),忧的意思是担忧、焦虑(worry)。杞人忧天字面意思是杞国人担心天会塌下来(The man of Qi was afraid that the heavens were about to fall on him),比喻缺乏根据或不必要的担心和忧虑(unnecessary worry...

  • be very worried about 牵肠挂肚

    21-08-25 牵肠挂肚,汉语成语,形容十分惦念,放心不下。可以翻译为be very worried about, be deeply concerned或feel deep anxiety about等。 例句: 尽量多给家里写信,免得你父母牵肠挂肚。 Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your parents from anxiety....

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 22

    20-12-20 In the hall she found Steve and Kitty, for he had hidden his little sweetheart behind the big couch, feeling that she had a right there, having supported his spirits during the late anxiety with great constancy and courage. They seemed so cozy, bill...

  • 科学家发现儿童肥胖与抑郁之间存在联系

    20-12-17 英国的一项大型研究表明,肥胖的七岁儿童长到十一岁时受情绪问题困扰的风险更高。利物浦的研究人员们发现,肥胖与心理健康密切相关,而且这一联系在整个童年时期逐渐加深。 The researchers analysed data on more than 17,000 children up to the age of 14, alongsid...

  • range anxiety 里程焦虑

    20-09-26 Range anxiety is the fear that a vehicle has insufficient range to reach its destination and would thus strand the vehicles occupants. The term, which is primarily used in reference to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), is considered to be one of the...

  • be in a sweat 捏一把汗

    20-09-22 捏一把汗,中文俗语,字面意思是手心出汗(ones palm is wet with sweat),形容非常紧张的心情,可以翻译为 be breathless with anxiety 或be in a sweat。 例句: 看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。 Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathles...

  • choice anxiety 选择焦虑症

    20-08-31 Choice anxiety is induced by the need to choose between similar options and is increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals. 当你面临太多相似的选择,无法决定的时候产生的焦虑感就叫选择焦虑(choice anxiety),现在越来越多的人有这种困扰,...

  • scanxiety 扫描焦虑症

    17-09-14 Scanxiety is the anxiety experienced while waiting to undergo a medical scan or receive the results of one. 扫描焦虑症指的是等待进行医学扫描或接收检查报告时感到的焦虑。 Whether scans are being done for diagnosis, to monitor treatment, to check for a...

  • election anxiety 大选焦虑

    17-02-23 Election anxiety is a real thing. Lots of people have become uncomfortably stressed-out by the long, contentious campaign. 大选焦虑确实存在。很多美国人由于长时间的争来辩去的竞选活动而感到压力山大。 Around half of people surveyed (52 percent) say the...

  • thrisis 成年危机

    16-08-24 A thrisis usually occurs between the ages of 26 and 32, and is that final push into adulthood. It describes the feeling of anxiety that crept into our own lives as we left our 20s and hit the big 30, a period of time when were not young enough to be...