• Low Battery Anxiety 低电量焦虑

    16-07-05 Low Battery Anxiety describes the condition where people get panicked and annoyed when your phones battery is dangerously close to the 20 percent mark. 低电量焦虑指手机电量接近20%报警值时人们会变得恐慌和焦躁的状况。 When faced with only a few minute...

  • Paris syndrome 巴黎症候群

    16-06-05 哈巴黎,是和中国人哈韩相似的文化现象,指日本人对于巴黎的热爱远远超乎大家的想象,日本各路媒体对于巴黎之美的渲染、宣传,让大多数日本人对于巴黎有了份一厢情愿的喜欢。而其实日本人所热爱的是自己想象中的巴黎。 Paris syndrome is a transient psychological di...

  • choice anxiety 选择焦虑

    16-06-05 Choice anxiety is induced by the need to choose between similar options and is increasingly being recognized as a problem for individuals. 当你面临太多相似的选择,无法决定的时候产生的焦虑感就叫选择焦虑(choice anxiety),现在越来越多的人有这种困扰,...

  • agoraphobia 广场恐惧症

    16-05-08 Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives the environment to be dangerous, uncomfortable, or unsafe. 广场恐惧症是一种焦虑症,具体表现为在特定环境下感到危险、不适或不安。 These situations c...

  • Chronic lateness 惯常迟到

    16-04-20 Chronic lateness is related to procrastination. Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline. They may also have underlying anxiety about the task theyre faced with. 惯常迟到跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延...

  • parents' math anxiety 父母的“数学焦虑”

    16-03-30 If the thought of a math test makes you break out in a cold sweat, Mom or Dad may be partly to blame. 如果想到数学测验会让你出一身冷汗,你的爸妈可能要承担些责任。 The researchers believe the link between parents math anxiety and childrens math perfo...

  • collywobbles 紧张得肚子疼

    16-02-23 Typically a humorous word referring to 'stomach pain or queasiness', collywobbles also refers figuratively to 'intense anxiety or nervousness, especially with stomach queasiness'. The word comes from the fanciful formation of colic + wobble, and in...

  • push pen anxiety 按笔焦虑症

    15-08-06 Push pen anxiety is a psychological state characterized by one's excessive push-in push-out of his or her retractable pen, often due to stress or boredom. It is addicting because of its sound and its motion of going up and down. You kind of get hypn...

  • 过早接触抗抑郁药影响血清素传输

    14-12-23 About 15 percent of women in the United States suffer from anxiety disorders and depression during their pregnancies, and many are prescribed antidepressants. However little is known about how early exposure to these medications might affect their o...

  • 情感能够左右政治态度

    14-03-05 Politicians know that turning on the tears can be a vote winner, but how does the political manipulation of our emotions actually work? Research in Political Psychology explores how emotions such as anxiety, even if their cause has nothing to do wit...