• 中国内蒙古出土最古老的七鳃鳗幼鱼化石

    14-10-15 Few people devote time to pondering the ancient origins of the eel-like lamprey, yet the evolutionary saga of the bloodsucker holds essential clues to the biological roots of humanity. Today, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences publi...

  • Clever Bobby 聪明的博比

    14-08-21 Brown was very proud of his young son. Once he was talking to a visitor, telling the man how clever his son was. The boy is only two years old, he said, and knows all animals. He's going to be a great naturalist. Here, let me show you. He took a boo...

  • 日本旅行社让玩偶代人踏上旅程

    14-06-13 如果你因为生病或其他原因无法外出旅行,日本的Unagi旅行社可以让你最喜爱的玩偶代你踏上冒险的旅程。玩偶旅行一次价格在35美元到55美元之间,包括回程的船票以及纪念照的费用。 Like most travelers posting photographs on Facebook, their faces are pressed up to...

  • 濒危物种急需备选辨认方法

    14-04-18 In a time of global climate change and rapidly disappearing habitat critical to the survival of countless endangered species, there is a heightened sense of urgency to confirm the return of animals thought to be extinct, or to confirm the presence o...

  • 气候变化使蝾螈体型变小

    14-03-27 Wild salamanders(蝾螈) living in some of North America's best salamander habitat are getting smaller as their surroundings get warmer and drier, forcing them to burn more energy in a changing climate. That's the key finding of a new study, publish...

  • 猛犸象颈肋可能隐含其灭绝线索

    14-03-26 Researchers recently noticed that the remains of woolly mammoths from the North Sea often possess a 'cervical' (neck) rib -- in fact, 10 times more frequently than in modern elephants (33.3% versus 3.3%). In modern animals, these cervical ribs(颈肋...

  • 植物在进化中也会产生武器

    14-03-24 Rutting stags and clawing bears are but two examples of male animals fighting over a mate, but research in New Phytologist has uncovered the first evidence of similar male struggles leading to the evolution of weaponry in plants. The team, led by Dr...

  • 动物的进化促进了海水的氧化

    14-03-11 The evolution of the first animals may have oxygenated Earth's oceans -- contrary to the traditional view that a rise in oxygen triggered their development. New research led by the University of Exeter contests the long held belief that oxygenation...

  • 慢性铅中毒对山羊的影响

    14-02-11 The Nile is a river in Egypt. Sometimes that river is polluted with industrial waste, such as lead, which can cause detrimental(有害的) effects on local sheep and goats via the water supply. Kansas State University's Ronette Gehring is an associat...

  • 动物防身术的演变

    14-02-10 When people see a skunk(臭鼬) , the reaction usually is Eww, but when they see a group of meerkats(狐獴) peering around, they often think Aww. Why some animals use noxious scents while others live in social groups to defend themselves against pr...