• 气候变化可能导致穴居人的灭绝

    16-05-12 A researcher at the University of Colorado Denver has found that Neanderthals in Europe showed signs of nutritional stress during periods of extreme cold, suggesting climate change may have contributed to their demise around 40,000 years ago. Jamie...

  • smol 萌萌哒小动物

    16-02-16 If the adoration of cute baby animals could be converted into electricity, the world would finally have a clean source of renewable energy, and all war would end. Unfortunately, that's not possible, and instead we just have to come up with new words...

  • 伪装确实可以减少动物被捕的几率

    16-01-31 A ground-breaking study has confirmed the long held assumption that camouflage protects animals from the clutches of predators, and offers insights into the most important aspects of camouflage. The research, by scientists from the Universities of E...

  • 袋獾体内发现第二种传染性癌症

    16-01-03 Transmissible cancers -- cancers which can spread between individuals by the transfer of living cancer cells -- are believed to arise extremely rarely in nature. One of the few known transmissible cancers causes facial tumours in Tasmanian devils, a...

  • 海洋动物用新型秘密光线交流

    15-11-24 Researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute at The University of Queensland have uncovered a new form of secret light communication used by marine animals. The findings may have applications in satellite remote sensing, biomedical imaging, cance...

  • 韩国掀起一股给宠物做美容热潮

    15-10-13 Move over, humans, it seems animals need makeovers too. Its all the rage in South Korea right now as pet owners are actually paying for cosmetic surgery for their furry companions! 人类,麻烦腾点地儿,看起来动物们也需要化妆美容。主人花钱给宠物做美容...

  • 狐假虎威

    15-09-29 One day, a big tiger was looking for food in a dense forest. A fox happened to scurry by, so the tiger pounced upon the fox and caught it. At this time, the fox suddenly hit upon a bright idea to get itself out of the predicament. It boosted its cou...

  • 新技术使修改动植物基因更简单

    15-09-10 Within the past few years, a new technology has made altering genes in plants and animals much easier than before. The tool, called CRISPR/Cas9 or just CRISPR, has spurred a flurry of research that could one day lead to hardier crops and livestock,...

  • 肯尼迪机场将建世界上第一个动物航站楼

    15-07-25 Jet-setting stallions and high-flying hounds at New York's Kennedy airport can look forward to a new luxury terminal that will handle the more than 70,000 animals flying in and out every year. 纽约肯尼迪机场里搭乘飞机的种马和猎犬可以期待搬入一座全新...

  • 古生物学家发现一种超级装甲蠕虫

    15-07-01 A new species of 'super-armoured' worm, a bizarre, spike-covered creature which ate by filtering nutrients out of seawater with its feather-like front legs, has been identified by palaeontologists. The creature, which lived about half a billion year...