• 通过法医遗传学拯救野生动物

    11-06-09 Wildlife face many threats with spreading urbanization(都市化) , including habitat loss and inbreeding(近亲交配) when populations become fragmented and isolated. It doesn't help that there is a billion-dollar international industry dedicated to...

  • 物种进化速度能否超过气候变化?

    11-06-09 Animals and plants may not be able to evolve their way out of the threat posed by climate change, according to a UC Davis study of a tiny seashore animal. The work was published today (June 8) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The t...

  • 科学家发现巨型古海洋捕食动物化石

    11-05-26 Paleontologists(古生物学家) have discovered that a group of remarkable ancient sea creatures existed for much longer and grew to much larger sizes than previously thought, thanks to extraordinarily well-preserved fossils discovered in Morocco. The...

  • 越南将建立大羚保护区

    11-04-19 Vietnam is setting up a nature reserve to protect one of the world's rarest animals - an antelope-like creature called the saola. 越南将建立一座自然保护区以保护世界上一种最珍贵的物种长相酷似羚羊的中南大羚。 There may only be a few dozen saola left i...

  • 改变策略以保持物种多样性

    11-04-19 Active efforts are required to preserve biodiversity in the seas that far most people are in agreement. But in our enthusiasm to save uncommon species, we sometimes miss the common species that form the basis(基础,底部) of marine ecosystems. 'Cha...

  • Platypus plays tricks

    11-04-06 Before the dawn of time, all the animals looked the same. Normally this was fine, but some of the cheekier animals likes to play tricks on Mother Earth and pretend to be other animals. Since they looked exactly the same, even Mother Earth who had cr...

  • 德国斗鸡眼负鼠将参加奥斯卡颁奖

    11-02-08 德国莱比锡动物园证实,美国全国广播公司已经向该动物园的明星斗鸡眼负鼠海迪发出邀请,让海迪参加2月27日的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,在电视节目中担任嘉宾。 The animal from Germany became internationally renowned after photos were published of her this past December...

  • Happiness

    11-01-21 I am in desperate need of help -- or I'll go crazy. We're living in a single room -- my wife, my children and my in-laws. So our nerves are on edge, we yell and scream at one another. The room is a hell. Do you promise to do whatever I tell you? sai...

  • 史前海洋存在缺氧的“死亡区”

    11-01-06 The oceans became oxygen-rich as they are today about 600 million years ago, during Earth's Late Ediacaran Period. Before that, most scientists believed until recently, the ancient oceans were relatively oxygen-poor for the preceding(在前的) four...

  • 弓形虫对人体的危害性

    11-01-05 About one-third of the human population is infected with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii(弓形虫) , but most of them don't know it. Though Toxoplasma causes no symptoms in most people, it can be harmful to individuals with suppressed immune sys...