• 朝鲜发明一种能“防止宿醉”的酒

    16-01-23 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is claiming a new milestone -- the invention of hangover-free alcohol. 朝鲜宣布了一项重大发明:一种能防止宿醉的酒。 The state newspaper reported that Taedonggang Foodstuff Factory has introduced a gin...

  • 英国专家:红酒有害健康

    16-01-13 Red wine is bad for your health, experts reveal in a new report. 相关专家发布的最新报告显示,红酒有害健康。 In a u-turn, Government experts have dismissed the supposed health benefits of wine and are set to rewrite the rule book on the nation's alco...

  • 普京最爱读的5本小说

    15-12-03 The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar Khayyam Khayym's poem is as well-known for its soul-searching beauty as for the fact that a mathematician wrote it. Explorations of life's temporary nature jogs elbows with alcohol, as the...

  • mall hangover 商场宿醉反应

    15-11-26 Mall hangover refers to the headache, tiredness and sometimes nausea one gets after going to the mall, just like many may experience after heavy consumption of alcohol. A hangover describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy...

  • 胃旁路手术降低患者的酒精耐受度

    15-08-07 Y gastric bypass surgery reached certain blood alcohol concentrations in half the number of drinks compared to women who didn't have the surgery, and reported a greater feeling of drunkenness, according to a study published online by JAMA Surgery. R...

  • 酒精能使人更容易吸引异性

    15-05-08 It's official: alcohol makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. And that's when you are boozing, not them. 权威结论出来了:酒精能让你在异性眼中更具吸引力。不是因为他们喝酒,而是因为你喝了。 Scientists at the University of Bristol found that ha...

  • 工作繁重会导致饮酒过量

    15-01-19 TOO much work and too much wine go together like biscuits and cheese, a new international study finds. 一项新的国际研究发现,工作繁重会导致饮酒过量问题,两者就像饼干和奶酪一样密不可分。 EMPLOYEES who work more than 48 hours a week are 11 per cent mo...

  • 利用普通啤酒改善无醇啤酒的口味

    14-11-06 Consumers often complain that alcohol-free beer is tasteless, but some of the aromas it is lacking can be carried across from regular beer. Researchers from the University of Valladolid (Spain) have developed the technique and a panel of tasters has...

  • 6种食物会加速皮肤和牙齿的衰老

    14-08-15 Sweets Sugar overload may kick-start a process called glycation(糖化) . The theory: When you eat more sugar than your cells can process, the excess sugar molecules combine with proteins, creating advanced glycation end products (appropriately refe...

  • 中年人酗酒有损记忆力

    14-07-31 Problem drinking in middle age doubles the risk of memory loss in later life, research suggests. 研究发现,中年人酗酒会使将来患健忘症的几率加倍。 A US study found men and women in their 50s and 60s with a history of alcohol abuse were more likely to...