• 酒精与心脏 是敌是友?

    12-01-31 A meta-analysis done by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) into the relationship between alcohol consumption and heart disease provides new insight into the long-held belief that drinking a glass of red wine a day can help protect aga...

  • 酒精如何使人上瘾

    12-01-12 Drinking alcohol leads to the release of endorphins(内啡肽) in areas of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward, according to a study led by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center at the University of California,...

  • 印度102人被毒酒毒死

    11-12-15 At least 102 people have died after consuming toxic alcohol in India's West Bengal state, police say. 印度警方称,孟加拉邦至少102人因喝下毒酒而死亡。 Residents of 12 villages in Sangrampur, Magrahat, Usthi and Mandirbazar areas in South 24 Parganas...

  • drunken driving 醉驾

    11-11-30 A Chinese pop singer, best known for his campus ballads, faces prison after he was caught drunken driving on Monday night in Beijing, police said on Tuesday. 北京警方本周二称,知名校园民谣音乐人高晓松醉驾,将被追究刑事责任。 文中的drunken driving就...

  • 新型解酒药正在研制中

    11-10-15 If after-work drinks tend to leave you clinging with embarrassment the next morning, help could be at hand. 工作之余的酒局让你第二天早晨很尴尬?还在为此烦恼吗?别担心,新研制的千杯不醉解酒药可以帮你摆脱烦恼。 Scientists are developing a stay sober p...

  • 独自居住的人易死于与酒精相关的疾病

    11-09-21 Living alone is associated with an increased risk of alcohol-related mortality -- from alcohol-related diseases and accidents -- according to a Finnish study published in PLoS Medicine, suggesting that a lack of social relationships should be regard...

  • 适度饮酒可保护大脑

    11-08-17 Moderate social drinking may significantly reduce the risk of dementia(痴呆) and cognitive impairment(损害) , suggests an analysis of 143 studies by Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine researchers. Researchers reviewed studies d...

  • 俄将加强对啤酒销售的限制

    11-07-24 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫近日签署了一项新法案,啤酒将被正式划归到酒精饮料之列,新法令将加强对啤酒销售的限制。 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a bill that officially classifies beer as alcoholic. Until now anything containing less than 10% al...

  • 酒精能提高记忆力

    11-04-13 Drinking alcohol primes certain areas of our brain to learn and remember better, says a new study from the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research at The University of Texas at Austin. The common view that drinking is bad for learning and...

  • Beer goggles 啤酒眼

    11-02-16 Is there no limit as to what a generous supply of alcohol can accomplish? One notable side effect is the creation of selective visual aids known as beer goggles. Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to...