• 中国民用无人机将实名登记

    17-05-17 The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) announced on Tuesday that the country will implement real-name registrations for civilian drones. 中国民用航空总局周二宣布,将对民用无人机实行实名登记。 Starting in June, drones weighing more than 25...

  • 京东将建造150个无人机派件机场

    17-04-07 Chinese e-commerce giant JD.com said Thursday it will build 150 airports for unmanned aerial vehicle delivery in southwestern province of Sichuan. 中国电商巨头京东商城周四表示,该公司将在四川省建设150座机场用于无人机派件。 JD.com CEO Richard Liu sai...

  • 2017中国航空产业增长领先全球

    17-03-30 Chinese airlines have led the global growth of air travel in 2017 to date, recording an astonishing fourteen percent rise of capacity compared to the same period in 2016. 截止目前,2017年中国航空业领先全球航空旅行增长,与2016年同期相比增长达到惊人的...

  • 雇员罢工 汉莎航空取消周五部分航班

    12-09-06 Lufthansa has cancelled hundreds of flights for Friday as cabin staff stage another one-day strike at Germany's three busiest airports. 德国汉莎航空公司取消了本周五的几百条航班,因为机组人员在国内三个最繁忙的机场发动为期一天的罢工。 The strike was c...

  • 飞机起降会使机场附近降水增加

    11-07-01 Researchers have found that areas near commercial airports sometimes experience a small but measurable increase in rain and snow when aircraft take off and land under certain atmospheric conditions(通风条件) . The new study led by the National Cen...

  • 智利火山爆发迫使多座机场航班停飞

    11-06-10 A cloud of ash spewed from a volcano range in Chile has grounded flights at airports in Argentina and Uruguay. 智利一条火山链喷发的烟尘迫使阿根廷和乌干达多座机场的航班停飞。 All flights from the Argentine capital Buenos Aires and many from Montevide...

  • 美国东北部机场陆续开放

    10-12-28 Airports have reopened in the north-eastern US after blizzards caused some 7,000 flights to be cancelled over the busy post-Christmas travel period. 美国东北部地区各机场重新开放,此次暴雪造成7000多架航班取消,正值圣诞旅行高峰期。 Many flights are st...

  • 火山灰迫使英国两大机场关闭

    10-05-17 Britain's two busiest airports have closed as a volcanic ash cloud drifts further south, causing major disruption for many thousands of people. 英国最繁忙的两个机场因火山灰向南漂移而关闭,成千上万游客被困机...

  • 英国国内航班将恢复正常

    10-05-06 All airports across the UK are expected to be open from 0700 BST, air traffic controllers have said. 英国空中交通管制员称,英国所有的机场将于当地标准时间7点准时开放。 Air passengers have faced more disruption this week Flights were grounded overnigh...

  • 也门将对外停发签证

    10-01-22 Yemen is to stop issuing visas to foreigners arriving at international airports, state media has reported. 也门官方媒体报道,也门将停止对到达国际机场的外国人签发签证。 Westerners had been able to get visas at Yemen's six international airports The m...