• 台风“烟花”在浙江嘉兴平湖市沿海再次登陆

    21-07-27 7月26日9点50分前后,今年第6号台风烟花在浙江嘉兴平湖市沿海再次登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力10级。 此前,台风烟花已经在浙江舟山登陆过一次。 Typhoon In-Fa, the sixth this year, made landfall in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, at around 12:30 pm on Sunday,...

  • 机场提议强风时飞机应凑近飞

    21-02-27 It may seem counterintuitive, but on windy days, aircraft should fly closer together. Those are the plans at Heathrow airport anyway. The problem is that Heathrow is running at full capacity. It cannot process more than the 480,000 flights it curren...

  • 2018中国电子登机牌使用人次2.25亿

    19-02-14 China has seen a total of 225 million air passenger trips use electronic e-boarding passes to take flights in 2018, according to statistics from the countrys civil aviation authorities. 2018年,中国共有2.25亿人次航空乘客使用电子登机牌乘坐飞机。 In 2...