20-06-02 The doctor,Gray and I ran back into the house. 我和李甫西大夫,还有葛雷跑回小木屋里。 We saw Hunter lying still,after a knock on the head. 我们看见亨特躺着一动不动,他的头被重重地击了一下。 Joyce lay dead,shot through the head;and the squire w...
20-05-19 We followed the noise of the fighting and came to a hill. 我们循着枪声来到一座小山前。 There stood a strong wooden house,big enough for forty people,and with holes for guns on every side. 那儿有一座坚固的木头房子,可以容得下40人,每一面墙都有射击...
20-05-18 But almost immediately I ran into a new danger. 几乎是在同时,我又碰到了新的危险。 As I ran, I heard some small stones falling from the side of a steep hill. 在我跑的时候,我听见许多石块从陡峭的山坡上纷纷落下。 I stopped to look round, and saw a fig...
20-05-14 Next morning, there was no wind and we were half a mile from the eastern coast of the island. 第二天早晨,一丝风都没有,我们距离岛的东岸还有半英里。 Although the sun shone bright and hot, I hated the thought of Treasure Is-land,afraid of what woul...
20-05-14 We sailed at the first light of day. 晨曦微露,我们就启航了。 I was more tired than ever before, but everything was so new and interest-ing I would not leave the deck. 我比以前任何时候都累,可是航行对我来说又新鲜又有趣,我一直不愿离开甲板。 lets hav...
20-05-12 We went out to the His paniola in a small boat. 我们乘小船去看伊斯帕尼奥拉号船。 Mr Arrow met us, and it was clear that he and the squire were very friendly. 埃罗正在那里等我们,显然他和乡绅非常友好。 But things were not the same between Mr Trelawne...
20-05-09 On the floor close to the captains hand was a little round piece of paper, blackened on one side. 老船长手边的地上有一小片圆的硬纸,一面涂着黑色。 I had no doubt that this was the black spot. 我相信这就是所谓的黑券。 On the other side was some writ...
20-05-08 ater that day, I took the captain a cool drink. 那天晚些时候,我送了一杯清凉饮料到老船长屋里去。 Jim, he said,youre the only person here worth anything. 吉姆,他说,这里我只看得起你一个人。 Youll bring me some rum ,wont you, boy? 你给我拿一杯朗姆酒...
20-05-07 Chapter2 Black Dog 第2章 黑狗 One January morning ,the captain got up early and walked down to the beach. 1月的一个清晨,老船长很早就起来走到海边。 It was a cold winters day with the sun still low in the sky. 那是一个严寒的冬日,太阳还没有升高。 My...
20-05-07 关于《金银岛》 《金银岛》是斯蒂文森所有作品中流传最广的代表作,其故事情节起源于作者所画的一幅地图。《金银岛》曾被译成各国文字在世界上广泛流传,并多次被搬上银幕。小说描写了敢作敢为、机智活泼的少年吉姆霍金斯发现寻宝图的过程以及他如何智斗海盗,历经千辛...