日期:2009-02-14 For showing the concern to soldiers life, General Barton made a casual check to the warrior (武士,战士)dining room, he pointed at a cauldron (大锅)saying, let me taste the soup inside. But, General...... But me no buts! Before the KP(炊事值勤员... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A policeman escorted(押送,护送) a habitual criminal passing by a mountain village. Seeing contain sundries store at village end, the recidivist(惯犯) put forward to buy a of pack cigarette. The policeman pondered (长时间考虑,深思)over:You seized... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 Wang-Ning, News network host hastened home by motorcycle after work., his girlfriend Liu-Chunyan sat behind him on the pillion(后坐), who was dainty(精制的,秀丽的) and cute (伶俐的,招人喜欢的)children program hostess. A devoted (虔诚的,热... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A youngster asks a girl who comes to the date: Is this your date with the young man for the first time? Too bloody right(当然). Gee(表示惊奇,赞赏等), how are you men all always asking(always和进行时连用表示强烈情绪) this question? 一个小伙子问前... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A peddler sold earthen basins in the wayside, he chanted as knocked :Earthen basin is round, beautiful and solid, judging by the sound, they are all good. At the time of his knocking, that earthen basin was broken into pieces with a crack(爆裂声)... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 Chaucer was over seventy , but he was not convinced (使信服) of his age. At a time he boasted: My physical strength is as strong as that I was young. The opposite person asked: What do you rely on? Chaucer said : There is a big stone roller in my co... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A competition whose subject is on giving up drinking is proceeding. One of lecturers says excitedly: Alcohol can break down conjugal (婚姻的,夫妻之间的)relation, even cause your wife to leave you A man shouts out at the news : Give me another bottl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A Boeing 747 was flying in the night sky of the Pacific Ocean. The captain got on the loud speaker: Travellers, one of our engines was out of order , therefore well arrive in Tokyo an hour late . After a short while, the trumpet (喇叭)rang out aga... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 At auction spot, someone has lost a bag, in which has the vital document. The owner says: Once who picked it up brings it to me, I will take out 200 dollars to remunerate (re`munerate与reward近意:酬劳,酬报 ) him or her. On hearing the news ,anothe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A lorry driver makes inquiry of a mountaineer : Excuse me, where can I buy the auto accessories (配件,帮凶) in the neighborhood ? Mountaineer says: Some people usually drive heroic car on the road .There is a abrupt turn ahead not far from here, and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-14 A young man saw Edison, said : I wanna(=want to ) develop a sort of all-purpose dissolvent, by which can dissolve(溶解) all materials. Edison asked a question in reply : In that case, what container shall you hold it with? 一个后生找到爱迪生,说:... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-11 Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一?5??酥?饽兀?蔷褪呛镒由砩峡梢猿ぬ?椋???樯砩先床荒苡泻镒印U飧龃鸢负苡... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-08 Calming your son 让你儿子静下来 In the supermarket was a man pushing a cart which contained a screaming, bellowing baby. The gentleman kept repeating softly, Don't get excited, Albert; don't scream, Albert; don't yell, Albert; keep calm, Albert. 一... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-08 Guaranteed visits 有保证的探望 An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will and make her final requests. She told her rabbi she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over B... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-08 Hard of hearing 身患重听 Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were taking a walk one fine March day. 有三个退休的老人,都患有重听。三月里风和日丽的一天,他们在一起散步。 One remarked to the other, Windy, ain't it? 其中一个人对另一个人说:这天儿... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-07 Sharing everything 分享所有 A young man saw an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at McDonald's. He noticed that they had ordered one meal, and an extra drink cup. As he watched, the gentleman carefully divided the hamburger in half, then counted... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-07 Caught stealing 当场擒获小偷 A shoplifter was caught red-handed trying to steal a watch from a jewelry store. Listen, said the shoplifter, I know you don't want any trouble either. What do you say I just buy the watch, and we forget about this? 一个... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-07 Automotive horror 极速恐怖 As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on 280. Please be car... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-07 Bad relationships 糟糕的关系 Two ladies were shopping. When they started to discuss their home lives, one said, 两个女人逛商场的时候讨论起她们的家庭生活,一个说道: Seems like all Alfred and I do is fight. I've been so upset that I've lost 20 pounds... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-02-07 Heard on a public bus 公交车上的声明 Heard on a public transportation vehicle in Orlando. 奥兰多公车上的声明。 When you exit the bus, please be sure to lower your head and watch your step. 当您下车的时候,请务必低头并小心脚下。 If you miss your step... 阅读全文>>

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