日期:2015-11-26 Mall hangover refers to the headache, tiredness and sometimes nausea one gets after going to the mall, just like many may experience after heavy consumption of alcohol. A hangover describes the sum of unpleasant physiological effects following heavy... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-26 Juice jacking refers to stealing data from a portable device that is plugged into a hacked public charging station. 充电座盗取数据指从一部使用被黑客入侵的公共插座充电的便携设备上,偷取数据。 Juice jacking也可以做形容词,其动词形式是juice jack。 For... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-26 Possible holders of an MRS degree are women who attend college just to meet potential husbands with high social standing and future earning potential. 有些女孩子上大学就是为了找到一个有地位又有经济前景的老公,这样的女孩子就叫做未来的学位夫人。 This... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Social media narcissist refers to people who're curating social media images of themselves. 社交媒体自恋狂是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。 One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 First job syndrome is when you get a job early in your career, say right after graduation, and stay there for a long, long time to the point where it clouds knowledge of your own worth, and inhibits your ability to not only ask for more, but to cred... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Fur baby refers to a person's dog, cat, or other furry pet animal, that is more like one's child. 毛宝宝是指一个人的狗、猫或其他带毛的宠物,更像是某人的孩子。 It's one of the new the collection of words added by the Oxford English Dictionary. So, if... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life, or NETTEL , refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning, full-time-working parents with dependent children. NETTEL(Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life,无暇享受生活,简称奈特尔)指夫妻为高收入... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 You can refer to the people in a particular place or profession who spread gossip as the gossip mill or rumor mill, which is considered as a source of unofficial and unreliable information. 某地或从事某种职业、专事传播各类八卦消息的人,可以称之为gos... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 When you work hard, when that work is awarded, when your body and beauty match societal standards, when you check every box, and still everyone tells you you're doing it wrong, that's Anne Hathaway Syndrome. 当你辛勤工作,当你付出的努力获得了认可,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Bleisure traveler is a term used to define professionals who are shunning the all-work-and-no-fun grind of business trips by mixing them with vacation time. They may add a few extra days before or after business trips to explore each destination, an... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Kitchen-sink is a verb, referring to announcing all of a company's bad financial news at one time. Kitchen-sink是个动词,指将某公司负面的财务信息一次性全部公布出来。 This word is based on the idiom everything but the kitchen sink, which hails from W... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 Prelationship is a relationship between people who are not yet but could become romantically involved. The two are probably seeing each other frequently and both have the intention to develop a romantic relationship. Maybe it is just a matter of tim... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 Small-footprint living refers to a lifestyle that minimizes one's impact on the environment. 低碳生活是指一种将人对环境的影响降至最低的生活方式。 Small-footprint直译是足迹极小,而根据词条的解释,我们可以看出,其实small-footprint中间是省略了carbon的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet, and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together. 把快闪(flash mob)稍作改动... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but telling everyone you're away. 假装度假指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。 Some take a selfie that looks like they're on holiday and post it on social media, some go so far as applying tanni... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 We often hear about the generation gap that occurs between parents and children when it comes to music, morals, fashion and a host of other things. Now there is a generation lap , the tendency for young people to be increasingly more technically sav... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 Globizen refers to Gen Xers and Yers, 35-50, at the peak of their earning potential, who consider travel part of their lives, both for business and pleasure. According to a recent column, globizens are demanding, have high expectations, get their tr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-11 Awesomesauce is an informal term describing someone or something as extremely good or excellent. Awesomesauce(超赞的、棒呆的)是种非正式用语,用于形容某人或某事物特别棒或极好的。 If you want to describe something as excellent, you can use awesomesa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-10-29 Muscle dysmorphia, also known as bigorexia , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK, according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-10-29 Some people can be especially neurotic or nervous by nature, living out their lives in a state of excessive worry. These obsessive concerns may either be global or amazingly minor in scope. Such a person is often said to be a worry wart , also rende... 阅读全文>>

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