日期:2012-12-28 NIMBY or Nimby is an acronym for the phrase not in my backyard. The term is used pejoratively to describe opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development close to them, developments that are generally needed in the society. Opposing resi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 Escape call is a planned call or beep from a co-worker that allows you to feign an emergency in order to escape a particularly boring or meaningless meeting, or from a friend that helps you escape from an unsatisfying, even embarrassing blind date.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 News snackers are people with short attention spans who primarily get their news in short bursts from things like micro blog, RSS feeds, mobile phones and glimpses of TVs posted on gas pumps or in elevators. Like most snacks, theyre tasty and easy t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 Leisure guilt is the guilt that comes with taking a vacation or a day off from work. You're so anxiety-ridden about the work you're leaving behind (or will be returning to) that it's less painful not to take time off. Leisure guilt指休假或请假期间伴... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 Soft benefit is a type of non-monetary compensation offered by employers to members of their staff for performing their jobs. Many senior employees are offered a valuable soft benefit or perk like a company car instead of money as part of their over... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 Teletrash refers to television programs which target the least intelligent and the least sophisticated viewers. Such programs always center attention on crude or degrading behavior intended to titillate viewers, participants, or both. Teletrash指面... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 Grass ceiling refers to a set of social, cultural, and discriminatory barriers that prevent or discourage women from using golf to conduct business. Grass ceiling(草坪天花板)指阻止女性通过高尔夫运动来做生意的一系列社会及文化歧视性障碍。 Most priva... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-28 The term trailing spouse is used to describe a person who follows his or her life partner to another city because of a newly-found job or work assignment. The term is often associated with people involved in an expatriate assignment but is also used... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Teleworkaholic syndrome refers to the tendency for some home-based employees to overwork. It usually starts out with the telecommuters feeling excited and liberated to be working from home. They feel grateful and think they must always do more work.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Pre-heritance refers to financial support given by living parents to their children or grandchildren as an alternative to leaving an inheritance to them after they die. Pre-heritance(预支遗产)指父母健在时将财产拿出来为子孙提供经济支持,而不是将其... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Chief table pounder is the person who is the most ardent champion of a new or different way of doing things by slapping office furniture (usually a board table) with the flat of an open palm for emphasis. It's rather like using a judge's gavel to im... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 The dark stores , which are laid out in the same manner as normal stores, are used exclusively by staff doing virtual shopping for online customers, not accessible to the public. 幕后店(dark store)是专为在线购物顾客配货的店面,其陈列方式与常规商店... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Digital technology has been part of everyday life for many years now, so logically there's a whole generation of individuals for whom concepts such as the Internet and wireless technology are just humdrum, because they've never lived in a world wher... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Celebrity worship syndrome (CWS) is an obsessive-addictive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved with the details of a celebrity's personal life. 名人崇拜综合征(celebrity worship syndrome)指一个人过度关注某位名人私生活细节而导致迷恋成... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 For many people in postmodern America, breakfast isn't breakfast anymore. It's now carfast or deskfast. 在后现代的美国,很多人的早餐已经不是传统意义上的早餐了,而演变成了车餐或桌边早餐。 Increasing numbers of Americans are leaving home in the mornin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Chatterboxing means watching a program on television, while talking to others about that program online, normally via a social media platform. Chatterboxing指一边收看某个电视节目,一般通过社交媒体平台跟别人讨论该节目的行为,在中文语境下,可译为看电... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-18 Dress correctness refers to the style of dress that is considered to be appropriate for women who wish to climb the corporate ladder. The style depends on the corporate culture, but is usually of the dark-suit-and-white-blouse variety. Dress correct... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-13 The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned parents increasingly try to trim the problems from their children's lives. 越来越多心怀好意的父母试图扫清孩子生活中的一切障碍,于是,割草机父母就出现了。 Instead of hovering over their children closely... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-13 Emotional labor is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-12-13 Yummy mummy is a slang term used in the United Kingdom to describe young, attractive and wealthy mothers. The term developed in the 2000s, and was often applied to celebrity mothers such as Liz Hurley or Victoria Beckham, who appeared to quickly reg... 阅读全文>>

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