• exaggerate 言过其实

    21-11-16 言过其实,汉语成语,意思是言语浮夸,超过实际才能。后形容说话过分,不符合事实。可以翻译为exaggerate,overstate或make an overstatement等。 例句: 别太在意她说的话。她往往言过其实。 Dont worry too much about what she said. She tends to dramatize things...

  • be gloomy with worry 心事重重

    21-08-24 心事重重,汉语成语,意思是心里挂着很多沉重的顾虑。可以翻译为be gloomy with worry,be preoccupied with anxiety或be weighed down with care等。 例句: 他心事重重,没注意到有什么不对。 He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wron...

  • not worry at all 满不在乎

    21-08-20 满不在乎,汉语成语,完全不放在心上,形容丝毫不在意、无所谓的样子。可以翻译为not worry at all,not care in the least或give no heed to等。 例句: 他英语考试虽不及格,却满不在乎。 He wasnt bothered at all after failing the English exam. 他满不在乎地耸...

  • nobody is perfect 人无完人

    21-07-07 Nobody is perfect是一个常用的口语表达,意思是没有人是完美的,我们用它来提醒大家,每个人都有缺陷或者有犯错误的时候。其中,一个常用语境是:当某人和你倾诉因为自身的问题或缺点而且觉得自卑时,你就可以用nobody is perfect这句话来安慰这个人不要担心、别和其...

  • unnecessary worry 杞人忧天

    21-04-14 杞人忧天,汉语成语,字面意思是like the man of Qi who feared that the sky might fall ,表示总是去忧虑那些不切实际的事物。可以翻译为unnecessary worry/anxiety,entertain imaginary or groundless fears。 例句: 这并不是杞人忧天。 This is not an unfounded...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 29

    21-02-24 With her back against the veranda pillar, Mary Thorne watched the group of mounted men canter down the slope, splash across the creek, and file briskly through the gate leading to middle pasture. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that, for th...

  • worry wart 忧天的岂人

    15-10-29 Some people can be especially neurotic or nervous by nature, living out their lives in a state of excessive worry. These obsessive concerns may either be global or amazingly minor in scope. Such a person is often said to be a worry wart , also rende...

  • 杞人忧天

    11-12-30 In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him. One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep. Later, someone...

  • 失业:全世界上升最快的顾虑

    11-12-12 Unemployment is the world's fastest-rising worry, a BBC World Service survey covering 11,000 people in 23 countries suggests. 英国广播公司一项涉及23个国家11000人的调查显示,失业是世界上上升最快的担忧。 The annual poll, called The World Speaks, gave...

  • 忧天的“杞人” worry wart

    09-10-05 我今天迟到了30秒,老板会不会炒我鱿鱼啊?刚才老板经过我这里的时候看了我一眼,我是不是做错什么事情了啊?你身边有这样的同事吗?他们成天有担不完的心,做不完的恶梦,简直就是那个成天担心天会掉下来的杞人。 Some people can be especially neurotic or nervous...