• time-sponger 拖拉者

    13-10-31 Positive procrastination is the technique of getting things done by working on one task as a way to procrastinate and avoid doing another task. 故意拖拉是一种执行任务的技巧,为了拖延时间,以避免做下一个任务。 If you want to stop procrastinating, sta...

  • working style 工作作风

    13-09-07 Many provincial Party committees have created detailed policies to improve their working style , as required by the country's core leadership. 多省党委均已按照中央领导集体要求,制定出改进工作作风的详细政策。 Working style就是工作作风,新一届中央领导...

  • 工作时间缩短不保证能使员工更快乐

    13-08-22 A reduction in working hours does not necessarily mean happier employees, as it might merely be adding stress to their general working environment. This is according to a study by Robert Rudolf of Korea University, Seoul, that looks at the impact of...

  • Do-it-herselfer 自己动手女

    13-02-28 Do-it-herselfer (also called a handywoman) refers to a woman who performs some or all of her home's repair, maintenance, and construction jobs. 自己动手女(do-it-herselfer或handywoman)指能将家中部分或全部维修、维护及修筑类工作自己动手搞定的女性。 A...

  • 长期加班危害很大

    12-12-05 Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness, a study says. Workers who do overtime were 61% more likely to become hurt or ill, once factors such as age and gender were taken into account. And working more than 12...

  • 盖茨语录

    12-11-15 Be nice to nerds. Chances are youll end up working for one. 善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你在工作中也会变成一个乏味的人。 The world wont care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself....

  • 生命重在过程

    12-11-08 If you have ever been discouraged because of failure, please read on. For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain. Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple...

  • 智能手机延长人们的工作时间

    12-11-02 A study suggests that, by giving you access to emails at all times, the all-singing, all-dancing mobile phone adds as much as two hours to your working day. 最新调查显示,智能手机能让你随时查收邮件,因此这种花哨的手机会让你每天的工作时间延长多达两个...

  • Engaged workaholics 自愿工作狂

    12-09-18 Engaged workaholics are distinct from the classic, compulsively driven worker who can't unplug ever and always feels like he or she should be working and suffer greater-than-average ill effects: more conflicts at work, less job satisfaction, poorer...

  • sponger 寄生人

    12-07-26 A sponger is a person who lives off other people by continually taking advantage of their generosity. A sponge soaks up the water all around it. A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. Sponger(寄生人)指利用别人的慷慨、完全依赖别...