• 美国某员工因放屁受到上司书面训斥

    12-12-31 A Social Security Administration employee was formally reprimanded earlier this month for excessive workplace flatulence, according to a Dec. 10 letter obtained by The Smoking Gun. 据美国知名新闻爆料网站The Smoking Gun获得的一封12月10日的信件,本月...

  • Engaged workaholics 自愿工作狂

    12-09-18 Engaged workaholics are distinct from the classic, compulsively driven worker who can't unplug ever and always feels like he or she should be working and suffer greater-than-average ill effects: more conflicts at work, less job satisfaction, poorer...

  • 科学家使工蜂生产加强型蜂王浆

    12-07-19 Scientists have discovered a way to make worker bees produce an enhanced version of royal jelly(蜂王浆) (RJ) -- the super-nutritious substance that dictates whether larvae(幼虫) become workers or queens, and that is also renowned as a health sup...

  • 澳头号通缉犯马尔科姆·亚丁落网

    12-03-22 Malcolm Naden, who evaded a seven-year manhunt in Australia, is finally caught by police and has been charged with murder, among other offences. 澳大利亚一位在逃七年之久的通缉犯马尔科姆亚丁落入法网,并以谋杀罪和其它罪名被起诉。 The suspect was nabbe...

  • 悉尼老板拒付圣诞工资被罚款

    11-12-25 A Sydney boss deliberately refused to pay five of his staff their Christmas wages, despite pleas from one long-serving worker that he would not be able to buy presents for his children. 悉尼一位老板近日因故意拒付五位员工的圣诞节工资被罚。此前他不顾...

  • open-collar worker 自由职业者

    11-09-07 An open-collar worker refers to a person who does jobs at home that once required an office setting. Open-collar worker(字面意思为开领工人)指把家当办公室,在家里上班的人,即自由职业者。 Home-based entrepreneurship is attracting growing numbers of...

  • “行话”包装的职位名称Top15

    11-06-17 1. Beverage Dissemination OfficerBarman(酒吧侍者) 2. Petroleum Transfer Engineer Petrol Station Assistant(加油站工作人员) 3. Customer Experience Enhancement ConsultantShop Assistant(店员) 4. Domestic TechnicianHousewife(家庭主妇) 5. Educatio...

  • 美国人口普查局一员工“自杀”死亡

    09-11-25 A US census worker who was found hanging naked from a tree and bound with duct tape killed himself but made it look like a murder, authorities say. 当局称,一名美国人口普查局员工被发现裸体吊死在一棵树上,身上缠着胶带,看起来像是他杀的样子。 Bill Spa...

  • Workers apt to tip off peers, not bosses: survey 调查:多数

    09-09-27 At the Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA employees work in their shared offices in this March 3, 2008 file photo. Workers are most likely to inform peers of uncomfortable situations such as undone zippers or bad breath and least likely to tip...

  • China charges Rio Tinto workers 中国指控里奥廷托员工

    09-08-12 China has formally arrested and charged four employees of mining firm Rio Tinto with stealing trade secrets and taking bribes, Chinese state media reports. 中国国家媒体报道,中国正式逮捕指控了矿业公司里奥廷托四位员工窃取商业机密并受贿。 Rio Tinto wo...