• 《冰雪奇缘》第10章

    23-01-29 Kristoff brought his pile of supplies to the front counter. Thatll be forty, ja? Oaken said. Forty? Kristoff barked. No, ten. No, see, these are from our winter stock, Oaken told him. Where supply and demand have a big problem. You want to talk abou...

  • 寒冷对身体的影响

    23-01-29 天冷会影响我们的身体。寒冷的天气会对我们造成哪些影响?在什么温度下,它会开始影响我们的身体? When we think of low temperature as a danger, we often imagine people working outside in polar regions in the depths of winter or in cold storage facilities...

  • 北京冬残奥会中国体育代表团

    22-12-31 北京冬残奥会中国体育代表团 Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games 在北京2022年冬残奥会上,中国体育代表团夺得18枚金牌、20枚银牌、23枚铜牌,在金牌榜、奖牌榜居第1位,取得了我国参加冬残奥会的历史最好成绩。 The Chinese delegation...

  • 和“冬天”相关的词汇

    22-11-16 对生活在北半球的我们来说,正值冰雪严寒。冬天意味着寒冷的天气、荒凉的自然环境还有贫乏的室外活动,不过别沮丧,我们准备了一些有意思的英语表达,教你地道地描述冬季。 1. Which of these expressions is NOT used to mean the middle of winter? a) In the midst...

  • 《恐龙当家》第4章

    22-11-03 The next day, when Poppa and Arlo went out to the silo, they found corn scattered all over the ground. Ive had it up to my snout with these critters, Poppa said angrily. He knew that if the family didnt have enough corn for the winter, they would st...

  • 各类保暖服饰的说法

    22-10-28 你还打算整个冬天都躲在屋子里不出门吗?寒冬腊月,天气虽冷,可是为了活动身体,我们还是应该出门转一转,不过在出门前一定要做好保暖工作。 1. Which of these adjectives describes clothing which is designed to keep heat in? a) warming clothes b) thermal clo...

  • 瑞士冬季室内供暖温度不得超过19摄氏度

    22-09-09 俄罗斯对欧洲能源供应将持续下降,欧洲能源危机可能愈演愈烈,多个欧洲国家将在今冬遭遇愈发严峻的能源短缺问题。据瑞士媒体《观点日报(Blick)》9月6日报道,瑞士政府近日出台了一项冬季天然气使用新规定,内容包括室内供暖温度不得超过19摄氏度、禁用辐射加热器等条...