• 索契冬奥会超支数十亿美元

    15-07-28 As the International Olympic Committee prepares to choose between Beijing (China) and Almaty (Kazakhstan) as the host of the 2022 Winter Olympics, a new report shows that the cost of last year's Games in Sochi, Russia, has been underestimated by bil...

  • 北京市长:北京将是2022冬奥会最安全的选择

    15-06-10 Beijing would be the safest option to host the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, mayor Wang Anshun told the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) here on Tuesday. 北京市长王安顺周二向国际奥委会成员透露,北京将会是举办2022年冬奥会最安全的选择...

  • After A Long Winter

    15-06-10 Up earlier than usual. The air is calling. Spring air is different from winter air. Tree branches are serrated with red bud teeth. Later, they grow chartreuse fuzz, making pale green auras in the sun. Summer leaves will be dark, shading, but spring...

  • Mistake Her for Snow 误以为是雪

    15-05-25 Did you hear about the girl who was so keen on road safety that she always wore white at night? Last winter she was knocked down by a snow plough. 你听说过那个女孩吗?她那么担心交通安全,总是在晚上穿着一身白衣服。去年冬天,她被一辆铲雪车撞到了。...

  • The grasshopper and the ants 蚂蚱和蚂蚁

    15-02-28 One fine day in winter some ants were busy drying their store of corn, which had got rather damp during a long spell of rain. Presently up came a grasshopper and begged them to spare her a few grains, For, she said, I'm simply starving. The ants sto...

  • To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 Chapter 21

    14-12-08 She stopped shyly at the railing and waited to get Judge Taylor's attention. She was ina fresh apron and she carried an envelope in her hand. Judge Taylor saw her and said, It's Calpurnia, isn't it? Yes sir, she said. Could I just pass this note to...

  • So Much Snow

    14-11-19 One winter morning a husband and wife in Denver were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the sno...

  • Seeking His Fortune 闯世界

    14-08-05 A bright boy left his family, going to new York to seek his fortune. None of his family seemed to doubt that he would gain success and wealth. Several months passed without a word from him. One cold winter afternoon his father received a note from h...

  • Always Something

    14-06-23 Always Something Peter Fallon There's always something -- a trail of bindweed(旋花类植物) trumpeting September the length of field wall and worn fences; that clamp of silage(青贮) an ember(灰烬,余烬) on the left as you leave here, smouldering...

  • 猫在冬天进食量会增加

    14-05-29 Cats eat more during the winter and owners should give their pet more food during this time, University of Liverpool research has found. Researchers from the University's School of Veterinary Science, in collaboration with colleagues at the Royal Ca...