• 科学家发现新的小麦改良遗传标记

    15-10-12 Kansas State University wheat scientists have completed the first study of a chromosome in a tertiary gene pool and have called it a breakthrough in exploring wheat wild relatives for future crop improvement. Their study, Exploring the tertiary gene...

  • 影响小麦春化反应的基因

    15-09-07 In the game of wheat genetics, Jorge Dubcovsky's laboratory at UC Davis has hit a grand slam, unveiling for the fourth time in a dozen years a gene that governs wheat vernalization, the biological process requiring cold temperatures to trigger flowe...

  • 未曾发现的真菌导致新型小麦病害

    15-09-01 Researchers have unraveled the mystery cause of the emerging wheat disease White Grain Disorder. Scientists at the Wheat Biosecurity Laboratory at The Australian National University (ANU) identified the cause of the disease when they isolated three...

  • 恶性植物真菌影响英国小麦产量

    15-02-27 The spread of exotic and aggressive strains of a plant fungus is presenting a serious threat to wheat production in the UK, according to research published in Genome Biology. The research uses a new surveillance technique that could be applied inter...

  • 乌克兰政局动荡引起小麦价格上涨

    14-03-28 Fears of political instability in Crimea and Ukraine have helped push up wheat prices since February. 今年二月以来克里米亚与乌克兰政局的不稳定促使了全球小麦价格的上涨。 Ukraine accounts for some 6% of the of the world's wheat export market, while Cr...

  • 英科学家发明“超级小麦”

    13-05-13 British scientists say they have developed a new type of wheat which could increase productivity by 30%. 英国科学家称,他们开发了一种新型小麦,该品种可增产30%。 The Cambridge-based National Institute of Agricultural Botany has combined an ancient an...

  • 塔博勒色拉

    12-12-14 bulghar wheat 120g spring onions 3, finely sliced cherry tomatoes 200g, halved or quartered mint leaves 2 big bunches, chopped parsley leaves 1 bunch, chopped lemons 2, zest and juice olive oil little gem lettuces to serve Soak the bulghar in boilin...

  • 耐盐性小麦研究取得突破

    12-03-13 A team of Australian scientists involving the University of Adelaide has bred salt tolerance into a variety of durum wheat(硬质小麦) that shows improved grain yield by 25% on salty soils. Using 'non-GM' crop breeding techniques, scientists from CS...

  • 提高硬质小麦对疮痂病的免疫力

    11-09-19 Durum wheat(硬质小麦) is a valuable cereal crop(禾谷类作物) widely used for human consumption in the United States, Canada, and several European countries. Scab or Fusarium head blight(枯萎病) is one of the crop's most serious diseases, reduci...

  • 小麦的抗寒性可影响到开花时间

    10-07-01 New research by UC Davis wheat geneticist(遗传学者) Jorge Dubcovsky and his colleagues could lead to new strategies for improving freezing tolerance in wheat, which provides more than one-fifth of the calories consumed by people around the world....