• 澳大利亚拟引入网络过滤系统

    09-12-16 Australia intends to introduce filters which will ban access to websites containing criminal content. 澳大利亚打算引入可以禁止登录含有犯罪内容网站的过滤软件。 Some internet users are deeply opposed to web censorship The banned sites will be selected...

  • 经济不景气金融从业者外遇增多

    09-12-05 据英国一家专为寻求外遇者服务的约会网站称,自去年十月市场崩盘以来,到该网站注册寻觅婚外恋的金融界人士大幅增加,而金融持续成为该网站用户所从事职业中人数最多的行业之一。这家提供婚外恋服务的网站称其在英国的用户超过38万,其中2万多人来自金融服务行业。该网...

  • 澳大利亚命名下一个十年“One-ders”

    09-12-04 A leading Australian website has tried to solve the problem of what to call the next decade - by holding a competition to name it. 澳大利亚一个主流网站试图以竞赛方式命名下一个十年的名称。 Other popular names include the 'Tennies' The winning choice...

  • 谷歌将限制每日免费新闻阅读次数

    09-12-02 Newspaper publishers will now be able to set a limit on the number of free news articles people can read through Google, the company has announced. 谷歌称,报纸出版商现在可以设定人们在谷歌上浏览到的免费新闻的数目。 Users will be routed to payment or...

  • 喀麦隆成为网络威胁热点国家

    09-12-02 More than one third of African country Cameroon's websites pose a security risk to surfers according to a new report by security expert McAfee. 计算机安全专家麦咖啡的一项新报告称,非洲国家喀麦隆超过三分之一的网站使上网者处于危险之中。 Ireland's doma...

  • 美国某网站被禁止非法销售甲壳虫乐队歌曲

    09-11-07 EMI Music has won an injunction against a US website which it said was selling Beatles songs without permission. 百代唱片赢得对一家美国网站的禁令,据悉该网站未经允许非法销售甲壳虫乐队的歌曲。 The Beatles are one of only a few major acts not on iTune...

  • 《卫报》职业网站遭黑客攻击

    09-10-26 Computer hackers have targeted the Guardian newspaper's jobs website in a sophisticated and deliberate move, the company has said. 英国《卫报》职业页面遭受电脑黑客诡异的、深思熟虑的攻击。 The incident is being investigated by the police The breach p...

  • U2演唱会将会在YouTube上直播

    09-10-21 U2's concert at the Pasadena Rose Bowl in California on Sunday will be streamed live on video-sharing website YouTube, the band have announced. U2乐队称,星期天在加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳玫瑰碗球场举办的演唱会将会被实时上传到视频共享网站YouTube上。 U2 wi...

  • Websites 'breaking consumer laws' 欧洲多数网站“违反消费者保

    09-09-10 More than half of websites selling electronic goods and tested in an EU investigation were breaking European laws aimed at protecting consumers. 超过半数的销售电子产品的网站经过欧盟调查违反了其试图保护消费者的法律。 The investigation covered 28 Euro...

  • Pirate Bay website back online 网站Pirate Bay重新上线

    09-08-26 File-sharing website The Pirate Bay (TPB) is back online after its former internet service provider (ISP) was forced to take down the site. 文件共享网站The Pirate Bay在经历之前被因特网服务提供商关闭之后重新上线。 Mr Pandeya says the acquisition of T...