• 寄生虫在食物网中的作用多被忽视

    13-06-16 Parasites comprise(包含,组成) a large proportion of the diversity of species in every ecosystem. Despite this, they are rarely included in analyses or models of food webs. If parasites play different roles from other predators and prey, however,...

  • web rage 网怒

    13-04-27 If you're a regular Internet user, have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load? If so, calm down, you could be on the point of succumbing to a bout of web rage ! 如果你经常上网,...

  • 微软因Web浏览器问题被欧盟罚款

    13-03-07 Microsoft has been fined 561m euros for failing to promote a range of web browsers, rather than just Internet Explorer, to users in the European Union (EU). 微软因未能使欧盟用户提升各种Web浏览器体验(不仅仅是IE)而被罚款5.61亿欧元。 It introduced a...

  • nonliners 无网人员

    11-10-26 For many of us below a certain age, use of the web is routine, and our children have only ever known a world where going online is an accepted norm of everyday life. However the fact remains that there is still a significant part of the population w...

  • 凤姐担任纽约美甲师 公布新择偶标准

    11-09-30 New York is a Mecca for American stars of stage and screen, but rather than seeking attention at the city's hot spots, one Chinese Internet sensation has been hiding out in a nail salon in Brooklyn because of the backlash she received in her own cou...

  • Clickjacking 点击劫持

    11-09-07 Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking Web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly innocuous Web pages. A vulnerability across a variety of browsers and platforms, a cl...

  • 科学家:网页搜索即将经历一场变革

    11-08-04 A University of Washington computer scientist is calling on the international academic community and engineers working in industry to take a bolder approach when designing how people find information online. In a two-page commentary titled Search ne...

  • 网络搜索是登革热早期检测的主要途径

    11-06-01 Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston and Google.org have found web-based search data to be a viable source of information for early detection and monitoring of outbreaks of dengue(登革热) , an emerging mosquito-borne virus found in tropical a...

  • 增强网络安全 美国将实行网络身份证

    11-01-15 In its bid to boost web security in the US, the Barack Obama administration is working out a plan to issue American computer users with an internet identity, a media report said Monday. 周一有媒体报道说,为了增强美国的网络安全,奥巴马政府正在制定计...

  • 古希腊手稿将被免费放到网上

    10-10-04 One of the world's most important caches of Greek manuscripts is going online, part of a growing number of ancient documents to hit the Web in recent years. 近年来越来越多的古文献被放到网上,作为世界上最重要的藏书之一,古希腊手稿也即将在网上露面。 A...