• 新加坡计划切断公务员的外网连接

    16-08-27 Singapore is planning to cut off web access for public servants as a defence against potential cyber attack - a move closely watched by critics who say it marks a retreat for a technologically advanced city-state that has trademarked the term smart...

  • 中国网民数量超7亿

    16-08-04 A new report shows that the number of Chinese web users had climbed to 710 million by the end of June this year, ranking the first in the world for nine consecutive years and 3.1% higher than the world average. 最新报告显示,截止2016年6月底中国网民...

  • web glow 网络美颜

    16-05-08 Web glow refers to the perfect look one appears in online photos, while in real life, they are probably not so attractive as they diaplayed. Normally, they will use digital tools of face beautification before posting any photos online. Thats where t...

  • 蛛网与非损伤性基因取样

    16-01-14 Using web samples from black widow spiders fed with crickets, researchers at the University of Notre Dame have successfully used DNA samples to identify both the spider and the species of its prey. Such noninvasive sampling to obtain genetic informa...

  • 雄性黑寡妇蜘蛛破坏雌性的蛛网以阻止情敌

    15-07-14 Male black widow spiders destroy large sections of the female's web during courtship and wrap it up in their own silk. New research published in Animal Behaviour shows that this home-wrecking behavior deters rival males, by making the female's web l...

  • webrooming 线上产品线下购

    15-02-07 Webrooming is the practice of using the web to research a product and to then purchase the product in an offline store. Webrooming指利用网络对某产品进行研究,再在线下商店购此产品的行为。 I usually go online to check prices and narrow down what I wan...

  • weblish 网络英语

    14-12-23 Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web (use of abbreviations, acronyms, small letters, absence of punctuation and hyphens etc.) 网络英语即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。 Example: Blog, fol...

  • 蜘蛛和蛇

    14-11-12 A big snake passed by under a spider wet. And it wanted to eat the spider in the web. But because it was not high enough to reach the web, it had to give up. When the spider saw the snake leaving, it came down from the web hanging with a thread. The...

  • web shy 网络羞涩

    14-03-20 Web shy refers to unwillingness to expose one's thoughts, feelings or identity on the web, knowing that doing so means freaknobs from Baton Rouge to Bangladesh will know everything about you. 网络羞涩指的是不愿在网上透露个人的想法、感受或身份,知道...

  • 伊朗科研人员研发数据链接修复软件

    14-02-15 Software that can fix 90 percent of broken links in the web of data, assuming the resources are still on the site's server, has been developed by researchers in Iran. The details are reported this month in the International Journal Web Engineering a...