• 回郭沫若同志

    11-09-06 Reply to Comrade Guo Moruo On this tiny globe A few flies dash themselves against the wall, Humming without cease, Sometimes shrilling, Sometimes moaning. Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger And mayflies lightly plot to topple the...

  • 娄山关

    11-09-06 Loushan Pass Fierce the west wind, Wild geese cry under the frosty morning moon. Under the frosty morning moon Horses' hooves clattering, Bugles sobbing low. Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron, With firm strides we are crossing its summit....

  • ego wall 个人荣誉墙

    11-08-10 Ego wall is a wall, usually in a professional's office, covered with an inordinate number of framed diplomas, certificates, and other tokens of academic achievement. The sheer number of items implicitly speaks to the superior skill or intelligence o...

  • Perfect Match

    11-03-25 A wealthy matron(主妇,保姆) is so proud of a valuable antique(古董) vase that she decides to have her bedroom painted the same color as the vase. Several painters try to match the shade, but none comes close enough to satisfy the eccentric woma...

  • The Great Wall

    10-10-19 Brief Introduction One of the most magnificent ancient military defense works in the world. The construction of the segments(片段) which later made up the Great Wall began during the Spring and Autumn Period and lasted into the Warring States Peri...

  • 爬墙机器人研制成功

    10-08-06 Wielding(使用,挥舞) two claws, a motor and a tail that swings like a grandfather clock's pendulum(钟摆) , a small robot named ROCR (rocker) scrambles up(迅速爬上,拼凑) a carpeted, 8-foot wall in just over 15 seconds the first such robot desi...

  • 97W系统“城墙”被攻破

    09-12-06 The walls of System 97W have been breached破坏 , and residents in the Western Pacific Ocean no longer have a tropical cyclone热带气旋 to worry about today. The Joint Typhoon Warning Center cancelled their formation alert for System 97W. System 97W i...

  • 世界首脑号召继续与非正义事件作斗争

    09-11-10 World leaders marking the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall's fall have said the battle against injustice around the world must continue. 参加柏林墙推倒20周年纪念日的世界首脑纷纷表示,与世界上不正义事件之间的较量必须继续进行。 German Chancellor An...

  • U2演唱会“柏林墙”遭质疑

    09-11-06 A U2 show marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall has run into controversy - after organisers built a wall around the venue. 一场旨在标志柏林墙被推倒20周年的U2音乐会遭质疑活动举办者在会场周围建了一座墙。 U2 moved to Berlin in 199...

  • Wall 'could stop desert spread' 墙壁“可阻止沙漠蔓延”

    09-07-25 A plan to build a 6,000km-long wall across the Sahara Desert to stop the spread of the desert has been outlined. 一项计划在撒哈拉沙漠建立一条6000公里长的墙来组织沙漠蔓延的方案已经被提出。 Desert sands, and the dunes that they form, are constantly on...