• The Realm Of The Unreal 3

    12-01-11 His presence led the conversation into other channels. He said little -- I do not recall anything of what he did say. I thought his voice singularly rich and melodious(悦耳的) , but it affected me in the same way as his eyes and smile. In a few mi...

  • voice search 语音搜索

    12-01-09 Google's voice search is now available in 27 languages and dialects, an estimated coverage of around 5 billion people or two-thirds of world population. 谷歌语音搜索可识别27种语言和方言,预计覆盖人口达50亿,占全世界总人口的三分之二。 上文中的voice s...

  • 研究:高音女低音男更易出轨

    11-03-12 Men with deep voices are more likely to cheat on their partners, women believe. And men feel that if a woman has a high-pitched voice, she is more likely to be unfaithful. 女人们认为,声音低沉的男性更有可能对配偶不忠。而男人们则认为音调高的女性更有...

  • 新方法手术切除咽喉肿瘤修复气管功能

    11-01-31 Using a novel surgical approach, it's possible to rebuild the trachea(气管) and preserve a patient's voice after removing an invasive throat tumor, according to a new report from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. This case study is the first of its...

  • people voice 生人语调

    10-10-11 上大学的时候看过一本书叫做《24重人格》,说的是一个人的身体里藏着24个不同的性格侧面,每个侧面都表现出截然不同的处事风格。当然,这应该是个极端的例子。我们平常人身体里能有个两三面就已经很复杂了,哪里受得了那么多个自己进进出出呢。我们今天要说的这个表达...

  • 表达情感的方式因文化而异

    10-09-16 Want to know how a Japanese person is feeling? Pay attention to the tone of his voice, not his face. That's what other Japanese people would do, anyway. A new study examines how Dutch and Japanese people assess others' emotions and finds that Dutch...

  • girlfriend voice 女友专用调

    10-06-10 平时在办公室不苟言笑,大男人味十足的家伙跟他女儿讲话时可能会变成另外一个人。商场上咄咄逼人的女强人在另一半面前也可能是轻声细语、小鸟依人的样子。这样的角色转变我们都不陌生,或许每天都在经历。所以,如果身边有个男士时不时地用 girlfriend voice 跟女友说...

  • 耳聋儿童植入的人工耳蜗可改善声音控制

    10-01-19 Children with cochlear implants人工耳蜗 in both ears appear to have difficulty controlling the loudness and pitch程度 of their voices, but these measures improve over time, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of OtolaryngologyHead...

  • Voice technology firm hits back 声讯企业回应抨击

    09-07-25 Voice-to-text firm Spinvox has reacted to BBC allegations over its technology, finances and privacy standards. 语音-文本转换公司Spinvox就技术、财政、隐私方面回应了BBC的主张。 Spinvox says humans are needed to check text In a blog post on its company...

  • Voice technology firm under fire 声讯科技企业面临质疑

    09-07-24 A UK firm that turns mobile messages into text faces questions over its privacy standards, technology and finances following a BBC investigation. 一项BBC调查显示,一家将语音短信转换成文字信息的英国企业面临隐私标准、科技和财政等一系列的质疑。 Spinvox...