• 失聪牧羊犬通过识别手势指令放羊

    21-05-16 一只牧羊犬在失去了听力,无法在农场工作后,被农场主弃养并送给了英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA),她经过训练,可以理解一系列的手势,从而得以 回到她热爱的工作岗位上。 Peggy, an eight-year-old collie, was taken in by the charitys Mid Norfolk and North...

  • have a frog in your throat 嗓音嘶哑,说话困难

    21-04-15 表达 have a frog in your throat 并不是真的指 喉咙里有只青蛙,而是比喻喉咙像被什么东西卡住了一样,所以说话时 嗓音沙哑、发声困难。比如,如果你的嗓子里有一口痰,刚好卡住了说不出话,就可以用 have a frog in my throat 来形容自己的这个状态。 例句 Doctor, I...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 49

    21-03-20 The weather continued much the same all the following morning; and the same loneliness, and the same melancholy, seemed to reign at Hartfield--but in the afternoon it cleared; the wind changed into a softer quarter; the clouds were carried off; the...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 26

    21-03-17 Frank Churchill came back again; and if he kept his fathers dinner waiting, it was not known at Hartfield; for Mrs. Weston was too anxious for his being a favourite with Mr. Woodhouse, to betray any imperfection which could be concealed. He came bac...

  • 喂,真的是你吗?

    21-03-11 People who want you to part with your cash and property can steal your passwords and personal details, but what about your voice? Thats what some big companies asked themselves before turning their attention to voice biometrics in their war against...

  • 请注意!

    21-02-24 鱼比人类更聪明这个说法是真的吗?金鱼的注意力持续时间要比人类的长,这也是真的吗? I wonder how many of you will read this article or listen to my voice right through to the end? With our busy lifestyles and continuous distractions, its hard to stay f...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 27

    21-02-24 I had an idea thats who it was when you described him, said Sheriff Hardenberg, to whom Stratton returned at once with the news. Theres only one Paul around here who fits the bill, and he sure does to perfection. Who is he? asked Buck curiously. Har...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 18

    21-01-21 If Sanchos abduction made a stir, one may easily imagine with what warmth and interest he was welcomed back when his wrongs and wanderings were known. For several days he held regular levees, that curious boys and sympathizing girls might see and pi...

  • grovel 低声下气

    20-12-21 低声下气,汉语成语,字面意思是lower ones voice and stifle ones anger,形容说话时态度卑微恭顺的样子。可以用grovel表示,意思是 to behave with too much respect toward someone to show that you are very eager to please them。 例句: 我强迫自己走进他的办...

  • 英语被动语态

    20-12-13 在英语中,被动语态 passive voice 可以在不提及动作执行者的情况下说明一件事情发生的情况。如果想指明执行动作的人或事物,则应该在谓语动词和动作执行者的中间加上介词 by,表示 被,由 的意思。怎样把主动语态转换成被动语态?被动语态的构成结构是否随时态而变化...