• 小王子 Chapter 25

    20-12-24 Men, said the little prince, set out on their way in express trains, but they do not know what they are looking for. Then they rush about, and get excited, and turn round and round 那些人们,他们往快车里拥挤,但是他们却不知道要寻找什么。于是,他们就...

  • be startled at 大吃一惊

    20-12-22 大吃一惊,汉语成语,形容对发生的事感到十分意外。可以翻译为be startled at;be astounded at;be greatly surprised;get a shock。 例句: 查尔斯看到他时大吃一惊。 Charles got a shock when he saw him. 队伍蓦然地进了村子, 使居民们大吃一惊。 The sudden ar...

  • Two Mountains Theory “两山”理论

    20-09-14 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平来到浙江省安吉县余村考察。习近平说,这里的山水保护好,继续发展就有得天独厚的优势,经济发展不能以破坏生态环境为代价。 President Xi Jinping visited Yucun, a village in Anji county of Zhejiang province on Mon...

  • 大熊猫到四川某村“闲逛”

    18-06-01 A giant panda has been caught casually wandering around a village in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, authorities have said. 一只大熊猫在四川省某村庄附近闲逛时被村民发现。 The panda was spotted in Jinbo Village in Wenchuan County on Thursday morni...

  • 金正恩文在寅举行历史性会面

    18-04-27 South Korean President Moon Jae-in arrived Friday morning in the border village of Panmunjom for his first summit with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). 韩国总统文在寅周五抵达朝韩边境板门店村与朝鲜最高领导人...

  • 滩羊养殖助宁夏农民脱贫致富

    17-05-26 At the welcoming dinner of last years G20 Hangzhou Summit, a cold dish made of lamb was appreciated by the world leaders for its delicious taste and tender texture. 去年杭州G20峰会欢迎晚宴上,一盘羔羊肉凉菜因味美可口肉质细嫩获得世界各地领导人的好评...

  • The Path through the Gravey

    16-06-30 Ivan was a timid little man---so timid that the villages called him pigeon or mocked him with the title Ivan the terrible. Every night ivan stopped in at the tavern which was one the edge of the village graveyard. Ivan never crossed the graveyard to...

  • The Ghost at the Crossroads

    16-06-30 There is a village with several households in a wild land. Nobody from the village would go near the crossroads after midnight. Everyone said the place was haunted, and lots of people said they had seen a white woman figure there -- a horrible one-e...

  • Moon Village 月球村

    16-05-26 Head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international Moon Village that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world. 欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希韦尔纳已经公布了国际月球村...

  • 苏格兰常用词

    16-02-14 highland cow 高山牛 Loch Ness Monster(Nessie) 尼斯湖水怪 Loch Ness 尼斯湖 heather 石南花 sheep 羊 fly-fishing 飞钓 Scottish terrier 苏格兰梗犬 castle 城堡 bagpiper 风笛手 kit 装备 village 村庄 bagpipe 风笛 sporran(苏格兰)毛皮袋 tartan (苏格兰)格...