• 法庭常用词汇 6

    16-08-04 Verdict 裁决 Verdict(裁决)多指刑事案件中由陪审团做出的有罪(guilty)或无罪(not guilty)判定; Sentence(刑罚判决)则是在达成有罪的裁决后对被告做出的具体惩罚,比如,imprisonment(监禁)、fine(罚款)等,这个刑罚的决定是由法官或者法庭工作人员决定的。 J...

  • 法律英语:Jury 陪审团

    14-11-25 The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. 陪审团作出了无罪裁定。 The jury found him guilty and did not recommend mercy. 陪审团裁定他有罪,且未提出宽大处理。 Every defendant charged with a felony has a right to be charged by the Grand Jury. 重罪被...

  • 康拉德·默里过失杀害杰克逊罪名成立

    11-11-08 Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, has been found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of the star by a jury in Los Angeles. 洛杉矶某个评审团裁定杰克逊的私人医生,康拉德默里过失杀人罪罪名成立。 A panel of seven men and five wo...

  • Hague verdict for ex-spokeswoman 海牙法庭宣布对前女发言人的

    09-09-14 The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Hague is due to deliver a verdict on a former official court spokeswoman. 海牙国际战犯法庭将会宣布对一位前官方女发言人的判决。 Ms Hartmann described top-level talks about the Bosni...
